What is Activated Bamboo Charcoal ?. Bamboo charcoal detoxifies by absorbing toxins from the environment around it. When used to detoxify water it also releases minerals such as calcium, sodium and magnesium. If bamboo charcoal is added to soap, its detoxifying properties cleanse the skin by absorbing impurities.
What is Activated Bamboo Charcoal Soap ? Activated bamboo charcoal has been used for many centuries for treating drinking water, removal of undesirable odour, and treating the sick. It is widely used in traditional chinese medicine.
What is Activated Bamboo Charcoal Soap ? Activated Bamboo Charcoal Soap has unique cosmeceutical properties as a skin conditioner and the best solution for the treatment of dry skin, cracked heels, removal of body odour and dermatological disorders such as dermatitis, acne and eczema.
Benefits of Activated Bamboo Charcoal Soap Super clean feeling Remove body odour Help to heal dry skin Retain skin moisture Remove toxins Excellent for acne and eczema Unclog pores Protect skin from premature aging.
Other aspects Of Activated Bamboo Charcoal Soap
A Super Cleanser. Activated Bamboo charcoal soap is an effective treatment for acne. The activated bamboo charcoal in the soap makes it more absorbent than normal soaps and as a result it can clean deep inside the skin pores, cleaning better than normal soap.
Leaves no residue Normal soaps leave a residue on the skin that stops the pores breathing properly and stopping the body’s natural moisturizers from working on acne skin. Activated bamboo charcoal soap do not leave any residue on the skin thus allowing the pores to breathe and be naturally moisturized.
Makes you look younger The skin under the eyes is more tender than our other facial skin. As a result as dirt collects in the pores of under eye skin it starts to sag with weight and we begin to look old. Using Activated Bamboo Charcoal Soap the pores in the under eye skin are properly cleared of dirt and this prevents sagging. As a result you look younger.
Antibacterial. Another use for Activated bamboo charcoal soap is to treat eczema psoriasis and dry cracked skin. In Asia they have been using bamboo charcoal powder for centuries to treat a variety of illnesses including eczema. Activated Bamboo charcoal kills bacteria, cleans the skin thoroughly and allows the body’s natural moisturizers to work effectively on eczema psoriasis.
Restoration of natural body oil Most soap clean our skin but also removes important body oils. Activated Bamboo charcoal soap not only clean the skin and its pores, it doesn’t penetrate the body. Within minutes of washing with bamboo charcoal soap you can feel the natural oils returning to your skin.
Anti viral and anti fungal Activated bamboo charcoal soap is not only antibacterial but also anti viral, anti fungal and antimicrobial. As such, it is ideal for people who live in tropical climates where there is a serious problem of high humidity leading to fungal, viral and other problems for the skin.
Activated bamboo charcoal soap is very different from normal soap. It cleanse deeper and better and allows the skin to benefit from natural moisturizers. Activated bamboo Charcoal – the best natural soap