Business and Communication Systems The Role of Social Enterprise GCSE Business and Communication Systems
Business and Communication Systems Learning Intentions Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: −The role of social enterprise −How a social enterprise will aim to deliver across a range of economic, social and environmental outputs Analyse how the aims of social enterprise can differ from those of other business organisations
Business and Communication Systems What is a Social Enterprise? A social enterprise makes its money in a socially responsible way. It is not the same as a charity. A social enterprise is a business with the following features: −Primarily social objectives, including: Reducing unemployment Helping disadvantaged young people eg – Jamie Oliver’s Restaurant – Fifteen Promoting fairness in global trading relationships - Fairtrade −Profits are re-invested in the business or the community −Not driven by the need to maximise profits for shareholders/ owners Social enterprise is a business which has social aims and reinvests a large proportion of its profits into the community or back into the enterprise. It does not have as its primary aim the need to make maximum profits for its shareholders or owners. Can exist in the Public or Private sector
Business and Communication Systems Why do Social Enterprises exists? To fulfil social or environmental needs Consumers want ethical products and services To fill a gap in the market Social enterprises need to be at least as good as competing businesses that are working for profit maximisation
Business and Communication Systems How do the aims of businesses differ?
Business and Communication Systems Example of Social Enterprises Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen restaurant Divine Chocolate The Big Issue Bryson House