The Medieval Period in English Literature ( )


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Presentation transcript:

The Medieval Period in English Literature (1066-1485)

Major literary forms: romance fable Fabliau (Pl. fabliaux) allegorical poem ballad

Emergence of Drama: mystery plays miracle plays morality plays liturgical plays folk plays Drama - a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of characters, especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a piece of drama = play.

Romance - a long medieval narrative in prose or verse that tells of adventures and heroic exploits of chivalric heroes. A number of romances were based on Celtic legends, especially those about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The finest romance in verse written by unknown poet is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

King Arthur and His Knights In the 15th century, Sir Thomas Malory collected the romances about King Arthur and arranged them in a series of stories in prose. The work was published in 1485 by William Caxton, the first English publisher, under the title Sir Thomas Malory’s Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table.

Basic Notions: fable - a short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals as characters fabliau (-aux) - a medieval tale in verse characterized by comic treatment of themes drawn from life

Fabliau Originally a form adopted from French models A comic tale with a plot that usually involves a husband deceived by unfaithful wife Characters include peasants, tradesmen, greedy clergy, restless young wives, and young scholars The plots are realistically motivated tricks and ruses The fabliaux thus present a lively image of everyday life among the middle and lower classes

allegorical poem – a poem in which abstract ideas and principles are described in terms of characters, figures and events (allegories often have a strong moral or lesson) ballad – a poem that tells a story (often about love); may be performed as a song

Notable Authors: Marie de France William Langland John Lytgate Thomas Hoccleve John Gower Geoffrey Chaucer

Marie de France (12th century) Translated fables from French into Anglo-Norman Authored Lais de Marie de France * lai – a short rhymed tale of love and chivalry

William Langland (?1332-?1400) (a dream allegory) The Visions of William Concerning Piers Ploughman (a dream allegory)

John Lydgate (?1369-1426) - poetry: allegorical poems Troy Book The Story of Thebes The Falls of Princes Complaints of the Black Knight Temple of Glass

Thomas Hoccleve (?1368-1426) - poetry: moral and religious poems The Regiment of Princes Dialogue with a Friend

John Gower (?1330-1408) allegorical poetry, ballads, collection of tales in Middle French and Latin: Mirour de l’omme Vox Clamantis Confessio Amantis

Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1440) The Book of Duchess The House of Fame The Parliament of Fouls Troilus and Cressida The Legend of Good Women

Chaucer’s masterpiece The Canterbury Tales (1387-1400) includes 24 stories written in verse. The framework which serves to connect them is pilgrimage to Canterbury. Sums up all types of stories that existed in the Middle Ages. *pilgrimage – a journey made to a sacred or reverent place as a mark of religious devotion