Scientists try to reduce any pain or distress to animals. Animals that are treated well provide the normal biological & behavioral responses researchers need to measure. Since reliability is critical to experiments, its just good science to take care of animal models. Knowledge gained over time has improved the care of research animals, from food and exercise to housing and social interaction, research animals are treated with dignity and respect!
WHO TAKES CARE OF LAB ANIMALS? Technicians (who act like a nurse in a hospital) takes care of the animals. Responsibilities: They check on the animals health daily Control the environment (light, noise, humidity & heat) Make sure they are comfortable Take blood samples & x-rays Give medication or therapies Assist during surgery and post-op care
TECHNICIANS CREDENTIALS Technicians are trained in a 2yr or 4yr college program. Then technician are certified at 3 levels where they are supervised by a veterinarian.
WHAT ARE ANIMAL FACILITIES LIKE? Just like a hospital, labs are kept clean. Technicians wear lab coats, surgical masks and gloves when necessary. The technicians and Vet make sure the animals are eating properly, are healthy, comfortable & receiving good care. Animals are treated with compassion!
WHAT ABOUT PAIN? Researchers make every attempt to make sure animals don’t feel pain! According to Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2010: - 61% of animals are not exposed to pain at all - In 30% of cases pain or distress was involved but animals were given anesthesia or pain relievers so they would not feel it.
- In 9% of cases animals were exposed to pain without any pain relieving drugs. The quantity and duration of pain was monitored to keep it at a minimal level as possible. This small amount is represented in a research on chronic pain, which is a problem for cancer and burn patients.
LAWS, REGULATIONS & GUIDELINES Several federal laws require that the public be protected from hazardous products. To ensure this, federal regulations exist to implement these laws. These regulations require animal testing. There are 4 main federal agencies involved: -Food & Drug Administration ( FDA) -Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -Consumer Product safety Commission (CPSC) -Occupational Safety & Health Regulation (OSHA)
FDA Responsible for regulating human and animal food& drugs, medical devices, biological products, cosmetics, color additives and radiological products. They require animal testing on all medications before they can be tried on humans.
EPA Uses data from animal testing to identify & regulate substances in the environment that might be hazardous to humans and animals. Ex.) Air or water pollutants & wastes
CPSC Relies on animal data in identifying & regulating risks to consumers from household and other products.
OSHA Uses the data from animal tests & other sources to set regulations that protect workers in the workplace.