LINKVIT outlines Leveraging Inspire Knowledge into Vocational Innovative Training Duration: 24 Month Starting Date: 1 st October 2013 LINKVIT PROJECT N° IT1-LEO LINKVIT Kick-off Meeting, Rome, Italy, 28 October 2013 LINKVIT
LINKVIT Promotion of the acquisition of key competences in VET LINKVIT will contribute to this priority by promoting the acquisition of digital and technological competences and developing practices for acquisition of key competences in continuous vocational training. Key competences are in fact important to promote individual educational pathways beyond VET and to facilitate transition phases (from VET into the labour market or reintegration into labour market after unemployment). Moreover, they can contribute to the attractiveness of VET. LINKVIT PROJECT Addressed LdV priority 2013
LINKVIT LINKVIT deals with “Digital Competence” as defined in the Key competences for Lifelong Learning- A European Framework. Competences in geo-information are crucial in the new European context to be operational in the assignments of the INSPIRE Directive. LINKVIT will aim at creating such competences through a set of training modules developed in different European initiatives. LINKVIT PROJECT Project aims
LINKVIT harmonize the existing training material offered by the LINKVIT partners into learning paths, suitable for different target groups. upgrade the existing training material, harmonize it with a common didactic approach and adapt it according to national/regional needs. set-up an interoperable Training Infrastructure constituted by eLearning platforms. establish a LINKVIT Training Framework, as a portal for all the organization of training initiatives. test and validate the whole Training Framework with training actions. exploit the whole LINKVIT Training Framework for further curricular training actions, also with the organization of University Master programmes and the promotion of an INSPIRE Driver’s licence. LINKVIT PROJECT Specific objectives
LINKVIT P0 – GISIG (IT), Coordinator P1 – ISPRA (IT) P2 – EPSILON (IT) P3 – IUAV (IT) P4 – PLUS – Salzburg Univ. (AT) P5 – KU LEUVEN (BE) P6 – NOVOGIT (SE) 7 partners from 4 countries LINKVIT PROJECT Partnership NOVOGIT
LINKVIT Already existing learning material is leveraged and reframed to provide end-user oriented modular learning to: Employed people to be re-qualified on new competence required by INSPIRE Postgraduates, for easier access to GI-labour market with a post- degree specialization Professional profiles within public and private sector (technicians and decisions makers) LINKVIT PROJECT Target groups
LINKVIT The modules to transfer are classified into: a)Context Knowledge for INSPIRE b)Advanced technical Modules c)Modules addressed to the stakeholders of Nature Conservation d)Modules addressed to the stakeholders of Geology and Civil Protection e)Technological trends and innovative solutions LINKVIT PROJECT Training Package
LINKVIT WP1: Management (month 1-24), GISIG WP2: Analysis and organization of training material (month 1-5), KU LEUVEN WP3: Adaptation of contents and infrastructure (month 6- 14), PLUS-Salzburg WP4: Training Actions and Testing (month 15-24), GISIG WP5: Quality Assurance (month 1-24), IUAV WP6: Dissemination and Exploitation (month 1-24), ISPRA LINKVIT PROJECT Workplan
LINKVIT Pert Diagram
It includes activities aimed at monitoring and reporting the project development from technical, administrative and financial points of view as well as the timing and the interconnections between WPs and tasks and the management of any modifications to the project work plan and task development. Task 1.1.: Project setup and Project Handbook Task 1.2.: Steering Committee Task 1.3.: Monitoring and Reporting WP1 - Management Leader: GISIG (Month 1 to 24) LINKVIT PROJECT
The aim of this work package is to analyze the available training material in the light of the identified needs of project beneficiaries, assessing how to better tune it to specific national and sectoral needs, also in terms of methodology and didactic approach. IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) issues will be considered, to be fixed with ad-hoc agreements for future exploitation, whenever needed. Task 2.1.: Training material analysis Task 2.2.: LINKVIT Learning Path Task 2.3.: Adaptation Plan WP2 - Analysis and organization of training material Leader: KU LEUVEN (Month 1 to 5) LINKVIT PROJECT
Task 2.1.: Training material analysis Task 2.2.: LINKVIT Learning Path Task 2.3.: Adaptation Plan Analysis of the training material in terms of compliance with local needs of target beneficiaries. On-line survey aimed to check some specific aspects (ie. self-training during working hours, de-visu lectures, preferred media for training material, etc.) WP2 - Analysis and organization of training material Leader: KU LEUVEN (Month 1 to 5) LINKVIT PROJECT Up-dating?Translation? Integration?Compliance? Training Material Analysis
Task 2.1.: Training material analysis Task 2.2.: LINKVIT Learning Path Task 2.3.: Adaptation Plan Definition of Learning Paths (result no. 4) according to the results of the previous task. Summarize of the learned lessons in terms of specific needs and expectations guidelines LINKVIT PROJECT WP2 - Analysis and organization of training material Leader: KU LEUVEN (Month 1 to 5) Contents Timing Didactic approach Learning objectives Assessment tools Expected skills Knowledge acquisition Guidelines
WP2 - Analysis and organization of training material Leader: KU LEUVEN (Month 1 to 5) Task 2.1.: Training material analysis Task 2.2.: LINKVIT Learning Path Task 2.3.: Adaptation Plan Definition of Learning material & infrastructure Adaptation Plan (Result no. 5) where detailed common criteria structure, layout, media suggested, didactic methodology and training infrastructure will be applied for the material adaptation phase. Gap analysis will be used for specifying the learning paths as well as the adaptation plan. LINKVIT PROJECT
The aim of this work package is to put into practice the actions and guidelines defined in the "Learning Material and Infrastructure Adaptation Plan", to concretely realize and make working the LINKVIT Training Framework. Task 3.1.: Definition of Technical Specifications Task 3.2.: Adaptation of Training Material Task 3.3.: Training Framework (first release) LINKVIT PROJECT WP3 - Adaptation of contents and infrastructure Leader: PLUS-Salzburg (Month 6 to 14)
Task 3.1.: Definition of Technical Specifications Task 3.2.: Adaptation of Training Material Task 3.3.: Training Framework (first release) Definition of Technical specifications (result no. 6) that the training infrastructure should satisfy. The choice of tools for the provision of the training material (LMSs/LCMS/CMS/…) LINKVIT PROJECT WP3 - Adaptation of contents and infrastructure Leader: PLUS-Salzburg (Month 6 to 14) Innovationadaptability
Task 3.1.: Definition of Technical Specifications Task 3.2.: Adaptation of Training Material Task 3.3.: Training Framework (first release) Adapt the didactic material according to the specifications of the adaptation plan and the specifications agreed in Task 3.1. Translation of some material from English into Italian. LINKVIT PROJECT WP3 - Adaptation of contents and infrastructure Leader: PLUS-Salzburg (Month 6 to 14) LINKVIT
Task 3.1.: Definition of Technical Specifications Task 3.2.: Adaptation of Training Material Task 3.3.: Training Framework (first release) Integration of all the components of LINKVIT Training Framework in order to access the various modules. Portal for trainees and tutors who will find information about the LINKVIT training package, scheduled training actions, and access to the set of modules First release of LINKVIT Training Framework. LINKVIT PROJECT WP3 - Adaptation of contents and infrastructure Leader: PLUS-Salzburg (Month 6 to 14) Collaborative environment Interactive tools Blended learning Self- learning
WP4 - Training Actions and Testing Leader: GISIG (Month 15 to 24) The aim of this work package is to test the effectiveness of the Training Framework developed under WP3 through the organization of pilot training actions, first towards decision makers, trainers and tutors and secondly towards a sample of target beneficiaries (both people of public authorities and companies as well as post-graduate students going to enter the labour market). An evaluation structured questionnaire will be distributed to the participants. Task 4.1.: Training Actions and Workshops Task 4.2.: Training Framework final release LINKVIT PROJECT
WP4 - Training Actions and Testing Leader: GISIG (Month 15 to 24) Task 4.1.: Training Actions and Workshops Task 4.2.: Training Framework final release Workshop and on-line training as a main testing tool to assess the impact of designed training on the beneficiaries. LINKVIT PROJECT decisions makers trainers tutors Target beneficiaries feedback
WP4 - Training Actions and Testing Leader: GISIG (Month 15 to 24) Task 4.1.: Training Actions and Workshops Task 4.2.: Training Framework final release Revision of the LINVIKT Training Framework according to the collected feedbacks. A second release of the Framework will be then uploaded, ready for further dissemination and exploitation beyond project end. LINKVIT PROJECT Update Revision Testing
The process of quality management is aimed at a continuous improvement of project development and outcomes, carried out by the partners along the two years also with the contribution of external evaluators. Task 5.1.: Quality Management Plan Task 5.2.: Quality Management Reports LINKVIT PROJECT WP5 - Quality Assurance Leader: IUAV (Month 1-24)
This WP aims to raise awareness about project opportunities and promote the application of the LINKVIT Training Framework among targeted beneficiaries in the Italian and EU context, both at public administration, entrepreneurial and academic level. Task 6.1.: Awareness and Dissemination Plan Task 6.2.: Dissemination tools Task 6.3.: Clustering/Networking Task 6.4. : Exploitation and Sustainability Plan LINKVIT PROJECT WP6 - Dissemination and Exploitation Leader: ISPRA (Month 1-24)
Task 6.1.: Awareness and Dissemination Plan Task 6.2.: Dissemination tools Task 6.3.: Clustering/Networking Task 6.4. : Exploitation and Sustainability Plan A project brand, assuring a homogeneous and coherent image will be created, including communication standards. The communication strategies will be instantiated in a detailed awareness and dissemination plan tailored according the different target groups. LINKVIT PROJECT WP6 - Dissemination and Exploitation Leader: ISPRA (Month 1-24)
Task 6.1.: Awareness and Dissemination Plan Task 6.2.: Dissemination tools Task 6.3.: Clustering/Networking Task 6.4. : Exploitation and Sustainability Plan The aim is to design promotional tools to maximize the awareness on the project : – Website – Newsletters – Other publications (such as posters, leaflets, etc.) – Press releases LINKVIT PROJECT WP6 - Dissemination and Exploitation Leader: ISPRA (Month 1-24)
Task 6.1.: Awareness and Dissemination Plan Task 6.2.: Dissemination tools Task 6.3.: Clustering/Networking Task 6.4. : Exploitation and Sustainability Plan The aim of this task is to create a community of LINKVIT stakeholders by using Web 2.0 facilities, the mailing lists provided by the partners and take advantage of the LINKKVIT workshops organized besides well- renowned national and European events in the project field. LINKVIT PROJECT WP6 - Dissemination and Exploitation Leader: ISPRA (Month 1-24)
Task 6.1.: Awareness and Dissemination Plan Task 6.2.: Dissemination tools Task 6.3.: Clustering/Networking Task 6.4. : Exploitation and Sustainability Plan An exploitation strategy will be pursued since the first phase of the project, searching for ways to assure long term sustainability, Guidelines for that will be stated in an Exploitation and Sustainability Plan, including a SWOT analysis. LINKVIT PROJECT WP6 - Dissemination and Exploitation Leader: ISPRA (Month 1-24)
LINKVIT LINKVIT PROJECT Impacts Educational field and level relevant to the target groups and sectors on which the project expects to have an impact:
LINKVIT LINKVIT PROJECT Impacts short term T1: decision makers/technicians in Public administrations and SMEs, already employed and to be re-qualified on the new competence required by INSPIRE. T2: postgraduate students, aiming to enter the GI labor market with a more focused post-degree specialization.
LINKVIT LINKVIT PROJECT Indicators 1.Indicators for impact on target groups and/or sectors
LINKVIT LINKVIT PROJECT Indicators 2. Indicators for impact on geographical areas
LINKVIT PROJECT Thank you for your attention!