Providing resources for those in need in Worcester County and the Lower Eastern Shore
Emergency & Transitional Housing Up to 40 people Individual men, women & families with children Programs Address root cause of homelessness Counseling, guidance and assistance Transition & continued support to permanent housing Not just a bed; a program
Program Name Output Total to Date Output Description (i.e., Bags of Food, Meals Served, Ramps built, Emergency Shelter nights provided, etc.) Diakonia Emergency Shelter 10,133Emergency Shelter bed nights provided Diakonia Emergency Shelter 50,665Meals Provided to Emergency Shelter Residents Diakonia Emergency Shelter 79/161 Attained income: 53 employed, 26 attained other form of income,33 were unable to secure income Diakonia Emergency Housing 104/16178 exited to Permanent Housing, 26 exited to Transitional housing 6 exited to Treatment, 9 to family, 32 unknown DIAKONIA INC. Program Outcomes: Program results for the period January 1 – December 31, 2014:
Program Name Output Total to Date Output Description (i.e., Bags of Food, Meals Served, Ramps built, Emergency Shelter nights provided, etc.) Diakonia Transitional Housing 2,204Transitional Housing bed nights provided Diakonia Transitional Housing 11,020Meals Provided to Transitional Housing Residents Diakonia Transitional Housing 19/19 19Adults (total number of adults) attained income, 1 child also attained income. Diakonia Transitional Housing 18/1918/19 exited to permanent housing 95%
Food Pantry Fastest growing program Outreach (identify those in need) Distribution Over 16,000 bags of food annually Community Support Main source of sustenance TEFAP Support Supplemental source of support
MonthHouseholdsIndividualFamiliesTotalTotal #bags distributed July August September October November December January February March April May June FY'14 Totals
Emergency Solutions Grant Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Programs Goals Prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless Rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families Case Management Services Provide support Address core issues Connection to resources
Emergency Solutions Program (Cont.) Eligibility 30 % area median income “At risk for homelessness” or Homeless Worcester/Wicomico Temporary Assistance Rental assistance Utility assistance Prevention or Re-Housing
Diakonia, Inc. currently coordinates the ESG program for both Worcester County and Wicomico County. Worcester County: We have currently served 31 households consisting of 90 people (46 children) and have used $25,270 in ESG funds. 83% of these funds have been used for prevention. We have a balance of $22,400 which will be used primarily for rehousing. Average household cost for assistance is $ Prevent homelessness and Rapidly rehouse homeless families
Supportive Services for Veteran Families Goals Promote housing stability among low-income veteran families who reside/transitioning permanent housing Effectively assist participants in achieving housing stability through ongoing case management Temporary assistance as a bridge to long-term stability
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (Cont.) Eligibility Member of Veteran Family 50% Area Median Income Worcester/Wicomico/Somerset Case Management Connection to VA and mainstream resources Housing Stability Plan (Income, Education, Etc.) Temporary Financial Assistance Rental assistance Utility assistance
Eligible Veterans and their families obtain housing stability through case management where measurable and attainable goals are set. These areas include employment, mental health, physical health, substance abuse, housing and connection to mainstream resources such as food stamps (SNAP), health insurance/Medicaid, disability benefits, enrollment into VA benefits and medical system if applicable. We provide SSVF services in Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset Counties. Our new SSVF grant year began on 10/1/2014. To date we have provided services to 52 Veteran households. Our goal for the end of this grant year (9/30/15) is 89 households; we are currently at 59% (last year at this time we were at 34%). We believe this is due to our outreach efforts as the program is becoming known to our community partners and other veterans who are spreading the word about our services. To date, the Diakonia SSVF Program has served 83 people (25 of those children). Of these 52 households, 29 have been assisted with TFA funds (temporary financial assistance) totaling $36,083. 55% of our SSVF temporary financial assistance (TFA) funds have been used towards rehousing Veteran households and 45% towards preventing Veteran households from becoming homeless. Average Total TFA Cost per Participant Household: $1, We received $93,000 to be used towards Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA).
Used To Be Mine Thrift Store Solely Volunteers In-Kind donations Proceeds contribute to daily operation Location Route 611, second strip mall on the left (next to Peppers Restaurant) Hours Wed-Fri: 10:00-4:00 Saturday: 8:00-1:00
For more information: Diakonia Inc. Claudia Nagle Executive Director Old Bridge Rd. Ocean City, MD 21842