Implementation Team Future Work Group to be established – Research Administration Work Group and others as needed. SSC Advisory Committee AAOU SSC Procurement/AP Work Group Hiring/Payroll Work Group Training/Documentation Work Group Communication Work Group CNMS SSC HR Work Group
Timeline I Tasks – Accomplishments!
Timeline II Tasks
Timeline Tasks BPI Planning – Quick Hits – Hiring HR checklists for all major hiring tasks – 100% Communication Plan Evaluate approval signatures required Appoint HR departmental liaisons – 80% Develop HR liaison training and hiring workshops Post guidelines on record retention Notify departments of existing institutional ad subscriptions BPI Planning – Long Term – Hiring Develop & implement an electronic workflow system Develop & implement an electronic applicant system/portal Develop internal departmental checklists for hiring and on-boarding tasks Hire additional classification/comp staff member Develop a document storage plan
Timeline Tasks BPI Planning - Quick Hits – Payroll Create a “who to contact for what” guide – 100% Reduce action/reasons for change PAR – 70% Develop glossary of reports – explaining purpose of each report – 90% BPI Planning - Long Term – Payroll Develop & implement electronic timesheets – 80% Develop & implement electronic change PAR Develop and implement E-forms Automate processing of I-9, W-4, & NRA forms Standardize payroll communication methods Eliminate default carry-forward of prior chart string; DBE verification required prior to pay for all new hires
Timeline Tasks BPI Planning - Quick Hits – Accounts Payable Develop AP Checklist – 95% Communication Plan - Develop and deliver refresher training Encourage & increase vendor EFT sign-up Update PO to make AP address more prominent BPI Planning - Long Term – Accounts Payable Develop on-line forms Develop & implement work flow for travel/misc and payment request Update Financial Services website Provide examples of proper documentation on website – 95% Implement Shared Services Centers Develop/update centralized policy and procedure bank Research possible expanded use of UMBC travel cards Develop intranet site to encourage interdepartmental communication
Timeline Tasks BPI Planning - Quick Hits – Procurement Develop quick reference guides – 5% Require electronic documentation – 40% Develop mentor lists -33% Develop acronym dictionary – 100% BPI Planning - Long Term – Procurement Improve electronic communication between end-users, approvers, and procurement Automate closing of POs and liquidating of encumbrances Create a “who to contact for what” guide and improve training Develop and implement workflow for requisition and PO approvals Enable requisition chart string edit check Expand usage of master contracts and notify department of existing contracts
Timeline Tasks Communications Develop Single Source Web Site - UMBC Sites (Wordpress Lite) toolkit/CMS. Milestone 1: – Build central framework/architecture/navigation according to content (HR/Admin/Finance/Research) – Use integration with myUMBC for news, events (calendar/deadlines) – Use HTML/advanced HTML pages for other needs, such as teaching/training, FAQs, talking points – Overview message about SSC; goals, perspective, etc. Milestone 2: – Determine best method for ticket requests (new system, custom form, IT's RT system integration) – Password protected content vs. open content (e.g., forms vs. RT) – New tools needed for calendar goals – Advanced ways to deliver video and other teachings/lessons
Timeline Tasks Phase I Implementation - Accomplishments to Date - January 2014 – June 2014 Business Process Improvement – Work Groups focusing on Implementation – Highest priority Quick Hits first – Long-term BPI to follow Construction of CNMS SSC space – Completed – Initially shared with AAOU SSC Hiring – Posting and interviewing for CNMS & AAOU leadership positions Additional Work Groups Established – Advisory Committee – HR Work Group
Timeline Tasks Staffing/Hiring Define support staff roles Reach out to customers (staff, faculty, and other interfacing departments) » to understand what they do » to determine how SSC can add value » to determine volume of work » to determine peak periods » to determine what the needs are » to determine relationships and communication needs » to determine current departmental processes
Timeline Tasks Training Training - Key Functions – Develop campus wide curriculum – Create course content – Deliver the training – Continuously assess campus wide training needs – Perform training administration (registration, tracking, reporting, etc.) – Train the trainer approach Training Analysis (FosterKnowledge) – Determine what learning materials are required for all business processes – Review existing training materials and determine if updates are needed – Create a training technology analysis report
Business Process Inventory What processes can be shared? This inventory is a starting point for discussion of processes that may move into the SSC. Accounts Payable – Travel and Expense Reimbursements – E-travel (flight, hotel, car, etc.) – Honorariums – Invoice Processing – Petty Cash – Working Fund Purchasing – Purchase order/change orders – Encumbrance management – Receiving Goods – P-cards
This inventory is a starting point for discussion of processes that may move into the SSC. Hiring – Payroll & Leave Reporting – Appointments – New Hires – Searches – Visa Processing Payroll – E-timesheets – Review and Approval – Advances Business Process Inventory What processes can be shared?
Next Steps To prepare for the next steps begin to think about: How would you describe what you do? What you do daily? What you do monthly? What you do annually? How would you describe what your department does? What are critical tasks in your department?
Stay Up To Date The Shared Services Centers at UMBC myUMBC Group is the primary source of information for the campus. Currently have more than 200 members! Please join! Please go to your myUMBC home page, choose “Groups” from the dropdown, then “Browse/Search Groups” for the “Shared Services Centers at UMBC” group.myUMBC home page Click the blue “Follow Group” button on the right.
Build the Bridge as You Walk on It Photo Credit: Learn From Failure