Ryanair – What’s next? Team no 5: Anton, Anna, Laura
A.1. Changes in Air Travelling More traffic in low cost airports Created networks between different destinations Air travelling became more popular Low-Hi pricing strategies
A.2. O’Leary’s “Free flight” Viable: you give people opportunity to travel everywhere for almost nothing Publicity Stunt: Attracts controversed publicity upon Ryanair’s company
B. Continued Growth - Proposals Website changing Pro-active – advertising Packages for corporations Students’ Organisations
B.1. Continued Growth - Website Improvement of the design of the website Restructuring of information Prioritizing the information
B.2. Pro-active Advertising List of the destinations + prices in advertisments Advertisment tools: – Street posters in stations and on panels – News Papers – Radio + Television – Public Transport – Facebook, Twiter, RSS, Linked-in
B.2. Pro-active Advertising Hidden advertising: In movies through Easter Egg Technique: – Phrases: “I’m Bond, James Bond and I came with Ryanair” – Posters – in metro station while filming – Ryanair advertisement – while filming in an airport
B.3. Collaborations Companies: – Silver, Gold, Diamond packages – Annual Partnerships with companies – E.g.: Videos in aircraft, brochures, SIM Cards, discounts for cpy repr., bussiness class Students: - BEST or other students’ organisations -> Free tickets for members of organisation => Ryanair -> promotion directly to students in universities and international events => Student Organisation
B.3. Collaborations
C. Improvements Kindergarten in airports after check in Pro-Active publicity Customer service trainings for personnel Charity events: Concerts, Cocktails, etc. Provide flights in Nordic Countries and bigger cities
D. SWOT Analysis StrengthWeaknesses -Public image -Agreement between US and EU -Monopoly in Transatlantic low cost fleet - No food and drinks for economical class - Not a known company in US OpportunitiesThreats -Higher rate of orders -Ryanair fleet can expand in US - Loose investment => bankruptcy - Bad image for company concerning services - unreliable journey because of cheap flights => prejudice
E. Low – Cost Driven Bussiness BMI – BMI baby becoming lowcost Awarding points with fidelity cards for certain number of miles Star Aliance – cheaper tickets for multiple destinations Fidelity cards and disscounts for clients