The Journey to Improved Outcomes Survival Tips for a New Director Nelda Kissinger Washington County Adult Education
Pick a Destination Gather information Evaluate the situation Become familiar with the territory Make a plan
Read the GPS or Understand the Maps Log on to USOE website on a regular basis ( Read USOE Policies and Procedures Read Federal Grants Follow the Calendar Attend all Directors Meetings Read all of Marty’s Call other Directors
Use the Best Tools and Hire a Great Mechanic LEARN UTOPIA Check your program data and print reports on a weekly basis Stay current with data entry Hire a GREAT Utopia Administrator Train your staff Don’t try to drive the bus all by yourself
Bring Great Travel Companions on the Trip Evaluate the faculty and staff Share the vision for the journey Make sure you are all headed in the same direction Invite new travel companions if necessary Hire the best, provide great training, give them the tools to do the job, get out of the way! REWARD OFTEN
Advertise the Adventure Make Connections Along the Way School District ( principals meetings, counselor meetings, every high school during 4 th quarter) Community Agencies (DWS, Voc. Rehab, Dove Center, D.I., Wal-Mart, 5 County Govt., YIC) Committees Radio Newspaper Great business cards and flyers
Provide Great Customer Service Revised intake procedures Upgraded curriculum (computer assisted) Customer friendly hours of operation Extended the school year Summer program
Expect Some Bumps Along the Way Budget problems Long hours Employee issues Program changes
The Destination is Worth the Journey Increased outcomes = increased funding Help people achieve their goals Improved your community You will change lives on a daily basis At the end of the day, you have made a difference