1Cloud forests are found in the ________ areas in tropical regions. A. Hot coastal B. Cool mountainous C. Cool plains D. Low elevation E. Valley Students type their answers here
2A biome absent from Europe is the: A. Temperate deciduous forest B. Alpine tundra C. Desert D. Tropical rainforest E. Temperate rainforest Students type their answers here
3 Humid tropical forests have extraordinary biological diversity A. Because of the very fertile tropical soils B. Because rainfall dissolves soil nutrients and makes them available to plants C. Despite a complete absence of nutrients in the environment D. Despite the poor, weathered soils Students type their answers here
4 In contrast with the ______________, the soil of the ______________ is more nutrient-rich and this type of biome has fewer insects, parasites, and fungal diseases. Therefore, in many places, these areas are highly endangered. A. Temperate grasslands; tropical seasonal forest B. Tropical rainforest; tropical seasonal forest C. Grasslands; boreal forests D. Tropical seasonal forest; tropical rainforest E. Boreal forests; tundra Students type their answers here
5 The word "conifer" distinguishes plants that are A. Needle-bearing B. Cone-bearing C. Evergreen D. Cone-shaped E. Found in northern latitudes Students type their answers here
6 Trinity and Neo are in an area that has many lakes and bogs. The majority of the trees are coniferous. As they look around, they also see deciduous trees, including birches, aspens, and maples. What type of forest are they in? A. Temperate rainforest B. Boreal forest C. Tropical rainforest D. Southern pine forest E. Coastal forest Students type their answers here
7 Tree growth in the taiga is limited by A. The increased soil salt content from ocean tides B. Intense heat and dryness C. Competition from fast-growing grasses D. The lack of large predators E. Extreme cold and short summers Students type their answers here
8 Why are the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Antarctic waters the most productive? A. Cold water holds the most dissolved oxygen and can therefore support greater numbers of phytoplankton. B. The melt waters of the nearby ice have nutrients that are released in high quantities, fertilizing the phytoplankton. C. Those waters are the most violently mixed, bringing up nutrients from the depths of the ocean. D. Phytoplankton grow there because they do not like direct sunlight. Students type their answers here
9 Which of the following protects mainland shores from the force of waves? A. Wetlands B. Barrier islands C. Coral islands D. Estuaries E. Volcanic islands Students type their answers here
10 Barrier islands are formed of A. Wind- and wave-deposited sand B. Volcanic debris C. Silt and mud left by estuaries D. Coral deposits E. Coral reef formations Students type their answers here
11 What percentage of all wetlands has been lost to human disturbance? A. 50% B. 90% C. 75% D. 25% Students type their answers here
12 Neo finds himself sweating in a moist forest but there aren't many streams or wetlands. He is amazed by the tremendous amount of biodiversity including an abundance of biting mosquitoes. Has he inadvertently gotten closer to his goal of finding a boreal forest? A. Yes B. No, the description is that of a tropical seasonal forest C. No, the description is that of a temperate deciduous forest D. No, the description is that of a tropical rainforest E. No, the description is that of a temperate rainforest Students type their answers here
13 A biome is described by: A. A specified bioregion B. Broadly similar environmental conditions C. A watershed divide, generally D. Geographic location E. Large landforms in the area Students type their answers here
14 Freshwater ecosystems A. Lack oxygen B. Lack carbon dioxide C. Include lakes, marshes, bogs, and fens D. Do not contain thermoclines E. Are not affected by nutrient availability Students type their answers here
15 Coral bleaching occurs when ___________. A. ocean temperatures are too warm. B. when ocean temperatures are too cool. C. when too much sunlight is shining on the coral. D. during low tide when coral is exposed to the air. Students type their answers here
16 _____________ is where fresh water mixes with ocean water. A. A mangrove forest B. A swamp C. An estuary D. A delta
17 Coral reefs form in A. Deep, warm tropical seas B. Cold polar seas C. Warm, clear tropical seas D. Deep, cold oceans off continental shelves E. Nutrient-rich coastal areas Students type their answers here
18 In what continent would you find a polar desert? A. South America B. Africa C. Antarctica D. Australia
19 Deciduous forests A. Are adapted to extremely cold climates B. Have trees that bear seeds in cones C. Have trees that shed their leaves seasonally D. Are not useful commercially
20 You are in an area that is relatively hot. You bend down and notice that there are tracks in the soil that are very old. Since you know that this area is easily destroyed by human activity and the harsh climate slows recovery from human damage, you conclude that this biome is A. A tropical dry forest B. A desert C. Tundra D. A grassland E. A wetland Students type their answers here