UHI Healthy week 17 th – 21 st February 2014 Healthy happy you!
Eat Breakfast Help kick start your metabolism. Banana and Brazil Nuts good start! UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Do 15 minutes of exercise a day morning is best, try walking up stairs 2 steps at a time! UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Keep a food Diary Write down everything you eat and drink - studies prove that those who maintain a diary lose more weight! UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Spice up your food adding spices helps curb hunger and releases feel good endorphins UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Swop Fizzy Drinks for Fizzy Water It helps stop a sugar rush which leads to moods swings and tiredness UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Think about portion size Carbs should be size of your fist, protein fit in the palm of your hand and half the plate should be salad/veggies. UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Switch to a smaller plate Helps you eat less and makes small portions look more appealing. UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Switch form white carbs to brown or whole grain rice, pasta or bread UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Watch your plate not TV! Help you eat slower and stop you over indulging UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Add 2 new veggies or fruits to your diet. Mix it up to prevent boredom and achieve goal of 5 a day UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Cut down on booze Have at least 2 days FREE of alcohol UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Focus on a goal Write it or find a picture. Stick it to your desk or fridge. UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Dance while you dust! Chores can be tiring but putting music on increases your endurance by 15% so you will burn more calories! UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Cut out caffeine after 1pm Drink water or herbal drinks instead UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Eat your dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed Aids digestion and make sure you do not gain weight overnight. UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Increase the speed you walk burn an extra 100 calories a day! UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Take away curry - opt for tomato based curries and avoid creamy ones UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Stop adding extra salt to food Raises blood pressure and can cause water retention. UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Swop regular milk chocolate for dark. UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!
Plan meals in advance shop with a list If short of time precook at weekend and freeze UHI Healthy Week – Healthy happy you!