The Cold WAr
Eastern Europe Stalin had 2 goals: Spread communism in Eastern Europe Create a “buffer zone” against further German aggression (invaded in WWI and WWII) Roosevelt and Churchill wanted free elections in Eastern Europe Eastern Europe became communist- known as Satellite nations of the USSR
The Truman Doctrine “Policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures” CONTAIN COMMUNISM US POLICY FOR DECADES: US would send in financial and military aid to countries to help them stop the spread of communism
The Marshall Plan Financial aid package to help Europe rebuild after WWII US believed a stable economy would help stop the spread of communism $13 billion dollars were given to Western Europe The aid was also offered to the USSR and Eastern Europe Comecon Soviet Union would not allow Eastern Europe to accept the Marshall Plan Instead EE had to accept Comecon- financial assitance from the USSR- much less $
Germany Divided into 4 occupation zones after WWII England, US and France would unite theirs= Western Germany Soviet Zone= Eastern Germany BERLIN IS ALSO DIVIDED
N.A.T.O NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZAION Military alliance formed in 1949 US, Canada, and 10 Western European nations were members Members pledged to help one another in any one of them were attacked Warsaw pact Formed in 1955 Soviet Union and 7 Eastern European nations
Cold War tensions Wars: Korea and Vietnam Tension with China Arms Race Olympics Propaganda war Space race
The Cold War at Home
H.U.A.C House of Un-American Activities Committee was formed Investigated Communist activities in the US Probed the Hollywood movie industry throughout the 1940’s and 1950’s J. Edgar Hoover, director of FBI, aided in the investigations
The Smith Act Congress made it illegal for anyone to advocate “overthrowing any government in the US by force or to affiliate” with any group who calls for that actions Dennis v. United States Supreme Court upheld the law Eugene Dennis general secretary of the communist party in the US and 10 others were convicted
The Loyalty Program Truman order loyalty checks on all Americans working for the US government Robert Oppenheimer who worked on the atomic bombs was questioned, deemed loyal, but lost security clearance ALGER HISS CASE Accused of being a spy in the Roosevelt administration Nixon will investigate Hiss who will be convicted of perjury.. (helped Nixon make a name for himself)
McCarthyism- Red Scare 1950’s Senator from Wisconsin 1950 he charged that he had a list of state dept employees who were communists Led to a “witch hunt” to try to find communists 1950 Rosenberg Case- accused of giving atomic secrets to the USSR- tried, found guilty and executed. McCarren Internal Security Act 1952 is passed- limited the actions of anyone the government considered a threat to US security His fall said the army was also infiltrated- televised investigations- public saw “bullying” and lack of evidence- loss of credibility *** relate to other time periods of history… Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), Espionage (1917) and Sedition Act (1918), Patriot Act 2001
USA Patriot Act (2001) Legislation passed shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, that granted broad surveillance and detention authority to the government
/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60 Duck and cover