Work-Related Attitudes: Prejudice, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment Chapter 6
2 Learning Objectives 1.Define attitudes, work-related attitudes, and describe the basic components of attitudes. 2.Distinguish between prejudice and discrimination, and identify various victims of prejudice in organizations. 3.Describe some of the steps being taken by organizations today to manage diversity in the workforce and their effectiveness.
3 Learning Objectives 4.Describe the concept of job satisfaction and summarize four major theories of job satisfaction. 5.Describe the concept of organizational commitment, its major forms, the consequences of low levels of organizational commitment, and how to overcome them.
4 Prejudice Definition Organizational Demography Stereotypes
5 Bases for Prejudice Age Physical Condition Gender Sexual Orientation Race and National Origin Religion
6 Affirmative Action
7 Diversity Success Guidelines Actively Pursue the Best People Make Sure People Are Accepted and Fit in Educate Everyone Focus on Difference Ranges Between People
8 Diversity Success Guidelines Avoid Treating Someone From a Certain Group as Special Provide Total Managerial Support Assess How Doing Pay Attention to Details Plan for the Future
9 Job Satisfaction Social Information Processing Adopt Others’ Attitudes and Behaviors Based on Others’ Cues
10 Measuring Job Satisfaction Rating Scales and Questionnaires Job Descriptive Index Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire Critical Incidents Interviews
11 Job Dissatisfaction Consequences Employee Withdrawal Voluntary Withdrawal Absenteeism
12 Job Dissatisfaction Consequences Weak, Positive Relationship with Task Performance Reduced Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Increased Occupational Injuries Influences Life Outside Work
13 Promoting Job Satisfaction Pay People Fairly Improve the Quality of Supervision Match People to Jobs That Fit Their Interests Decentralize Organizational Power
14 Committed Workforce Consequences Unlikely to Withdraw Willing to Make Sacrifices for Their Organizations
15 Organizational Commitment Development Enrich Jobs Align Company and Employees Interests Recruit and Select New Employees Whose Values Closely Match Organization Values