Genene Jones By: Alison Vlasnik Period 4
Childhood Born July 13, 1950 Immediately put up for adoption and her new parents were Richard and Gladys Jones and the Jone’s family adopted three other kids as well (2 older and 1 younger than Genene) Her dad was a business man and he built a night club and Gladys did the music. Genene was close to her dad and helped him paint and put up bill-boards Very bossy and controlling in school
Childhood At age 10, Father was arrested for breaking and entering a man’s house and stealing money and jewelry. At age 16, brother died from a pipe bomb he built. At age 17, father dies of terminal cancer At age 18, she told her boyfriend, James “Jimmy” Harvey Delany Jr., that she was pregnant so they got married then she told him she was not pregnant. Husband enrolled in the Navy and she went to beauty school. At age 26, she files for a divorce saying that her husband beat her up but husband says he never hit her. She had 2 kids., one named Richard (because it was her dad’s name), and the other named Heather.
Crimes It is said that Genene killed between 11 to 46 (people think 46 is the highest estimate) infants in the years 1971 to 1984 with injections of digoxin (abnormal heart rhythm), heparin (makes you bleed), and later succinylcholine (muscle relaxant, leaves them conscious but unable to breath, Brand name is Ancetine). Out of all those murders she supposedly committed, she was only sentenced for 1 murder and injuries of others and sentenced for nearly killing Rolando Jones with heparin.
Crimes The first trial she had was for the murder of Chelsea McClellan and on February 15, 1984 and she was sentenced to 99 years for murdering Chelsea. The second trial was for nearly killing Rolando Jones with heparin and she received 60 more years. Evidence is that she was present at both crimes and attempted murders and she had access to the drugs and knowledge on how to use them to kill infants. There may have been many more crimes she actually did but there is no evidence of any other crimes since after she was convicted they destroyed all the files. She is serving time in a county jail in Texas.
Parole She has already came up for parole but was denied because the victims’ families denied it. She is currently eligible for parole every 2 to 3 years. She is set for another parole in In Texas at the time that Genene was sentenced, there was a law put in place to deal with prison overcrowding which states if there good behavior credit and their time spent in jail add up to their sentence then they can be released early and that still applies to Genene even though it has since been removed.
Other Information “She's probably going to be the first serial killer in this country's history to be legally released," said Andy Kahan, the City of Houston's crime victim advocate. I’m sick and tired of being crucified alive and having people think I’m a baby killer,” she said. I haven’t killed a damn soul.” The deaths in San Antonio resulted from the mistakes of lousy doctors, she said, not from anything she had done. “Nobody did a damn thing up there. It’s all so much bull.” She had worked at other hospitals— why weren’t there suspicious deaths there? “I’ve been in nursing since 1977, and Bexar County’s the only place I’ve been killing people?” she demanded. “If you’re going to sit there and say that I killed babies, you’re going to have to tell me that a doctor ordered me to do it.” said by Genene Jones - See more at: She did not have a nickname but her shift was given the name “Death Shift” because people always died when she was on duty.
Books/Movies Books 1.The Death Shift By: Peter Elkind Movies 1.Deadly Medicine (1991) Susan Ruttan 2.Mass Murder (2002) Alicia Bartya 3.Misery (1990) Kathy Bates 4.Featured in a documentary on the Discovery Channel called Lethal Injection