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MGMT 276: Statistical Inference in Management Spring 2015
By the end of lecture today 1/29/15 Use this as your study guide Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio Field observation/naturalistic research Surveys and questionnaire design Random versus non-random sampling techniques Questionnaire design and evaluation
Complete this soon and receive extra credit! (By February 3rd 2015)
Homework due- (Tuesday, February 3 rd ) On class website: please print and complete homework worksheet #2 & 3 We’ll be using this for a writing assignment on Tuesday
Schedule of readings Before next exam: February 17 th Please read chapters & Appendix D & E in Lind Please read Chapters 1, 5, 6 and 13 in Plous Chapter 1: Selective Perception Chapter 5: Plasticity Chapter 6: Effects of Question Wording and Framing Chapter 13: Anchoring and Adjustment
So far, Measurement: observable actions Theoretical constructs: concepts (like “humor” or “satisfaction”) Operational definitions Validity and reliability Independent and dependent variable Random assignment and Random sampling Within-participant and between-participant design Single blind (placebo) and double blind procedures Continuous vs Discrete variables Quantitative vs qualitative variables Levels of measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio Descriptive vs inferential statistics Time series versus cross-sectional comparisons:
Writing Assignment – Pop Quiz Ari conducted a watermelon seed spitting experiment. She wanted to know if people can spit farther if they get a running start. She tested 100 people. She randomly assigned them into one of two groups. One group stood still on the starting line and spit their watermelon seeds as far as they could. The second group was allowed to run up to the starting line before they spit their watermelon seeds. She measured how far each person spit their watermelon seeds. Please answer the following questions 1. What is the independent variable? 2. The independent variable: Is it continuous or discrete? 3. The independent variable: Is it nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio? 4. What is the dependent variable? 5. The dependent variable: Is it continuous or discrete? 6. The dependent variable: Is it nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio? 7. Is this a quasi or true experiment? 8. Is this a within or between participant design 9. Is this a single blind, double blind or not at all blind experiment? 10. Be sure to put your name and CID on this page
Writing Assignment – Pop Quiz Ari conducted a watermelon seed spitting experiment. She wanted to know if people can spit farther if they get a running start. She tested 100 people. She randomly assigned them into one of two groups. One group stood still on the starting line and spit their watermelon seeds as far as they could. The second group was allowed to run up to the starting line before they spit their watermelon seeds. She measured how far each person spit their watermelon seeds. Please answer the following questions 1. What is the independent variable? 2. The independent variable: Is it continuous or discrete? 3. The independent variable: Is it nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio? 4. What is the dependent variable? 5. The dependent variable: Is it continuous or discrete? 6. The dependent variable: Is it nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio? 7. Is this a quasi or true experiment? 8. Is this a within or between participant design 9. Is this a single blind, double blind or not at all blind experiment? 10. Be sure to put your name and CID on this page Running versus standing still Discrete Nominal Distance that the seed was spit Continuous Ratio True Experiment Between Not at all
Homework review You are looking to see if “class standing” affects the “level of sales”. Independent variable (IV):______________ Number of levels of IV: ________________ (how many means?) Quasi or True experiment:______________ Dependent variable: __________________ Between or within participant design: ______________ In this study, what is the operational definition of “class standing”? In this study, what is the operational definition of “level of sales”? Class standing Level of sales 4 Quasi Between Classification based on units earned Number of bags of peanuts sold
Homework review You are looking to see whether “type of program” has an effect on “body transformation”. Please identify the following variables: Independent variable (IV):______________ Number of levels of IV: _______________ (how many means?) Quasi or True experiment:______________ Dependent variable: __________________ Between or within participant design: ______________ What is the operational definition of “type of program”? What is the operational definition of “body transformation”? Type of program Body transformation 2 True Between Type of program = type of diet (regular versus programmatic diet) Body transformation = number of pounds lost
Homework review You are looking to see which driving choice is most efficient. So you ask each driver to drive each of the three routes and time themselves on how long it takes. Please identify the following variables: Independent variable (IV):______________ (how many means) Number of levels of IV: ________________ Dependent variable: __________________ Between or within participant design: ______________ What is the operational definition of “driving efficiency”? What is the operational definition of “driving choice”? Type of route driving efficiency 3 Within Driving efficiency = travel time (measured in minutes) Driving choice = route taken
Homework review
Notice that the operational definition of each construct matters
Homework review gender 2 quasi salary between nominal ratio
Name of City Quasi- experiment 3 Between Temperature Nominal Interval
Homework review city 3 quasi temperature between nominal interval Must be complete and must be stapled Will hand in assignment in couple minutes
Naturalistic Research Naturalistic research: Descriptive method in which observations are made in a natural social setting. Also called field observation. Survey is a series of self-report measures administered Survey is a series of self-report measures administered either through an interview or a written questionnaire either through an interview or a written questionnaire Behavioral data is a measurement of observable actions in natural setting Behavioral data is a measurement of observable actions in natural setting
Preview of Questionnaire Homework There are four parts: Statement of Objectives Questionnaire itself (which is the operational definitions of the objectives) Data collection and creation of database Creation of graphs representing results
QuestionnaireHomework Objectives: This study will examine some of the subject characteristics that predict whether an individual is likely to prefer modern music characterized by amplified guitar rock and roll sounds or whether they would prefer older styles of music characterized by acoustic, orchestral (like cello) classical sounds. We will examine whether gender and age are associated with musical preference.
QuestionnaireHomework What might you graph?
QuestionnaireHomework Average of these three scores
QuestionnaireHomework Average of these two scores
QuestionnaireHomework Variable label and scale values
QuestionnaireHomework Average of these three scores
QuestionnaireHomework Average of these two scores
QuestionnaireHomework Variable label and scale values
5 Principles of questionnaire construction 1. Make sure items match research objectives & Identify what constructs you are trying to understand (Be explicit in identifying your constructs) 3. Use appropriate, natural and familiar language 2. Responders have the answers to our questions We are tapping into their attitudes/beliefs/ knowledge Understand your research participants “think like” the responders / consider their sensibilities use appropriate, natural and familiar language (for them)
5 Principles of questionnaire construction 3. Assessment should feel easy and clear, unthreatening Be clear, precise and concise (short questions) Minimize use of contingency questions Start with most friendly (least threatening) questions first then at the end “now a couple questions about you” (foot in the door phenomenon) Avoid double negatives For example: Agree or disagree? Teachers shouldn’t have less contact with parents 4. Avoid ambiguity and bias in your items Avoid “double-barreled” questions - Difficult to interpret answers Avoid leading or loaded questions - Can introduce bias Consider problem of acquiescence – Ask question in different ways (careful with coding)
Consider open-ended vs closed-ended questions 5. Consider lots of different formats for responses - can often modify a question into a closed question - pros and cons of each 5 Principles of questionnaire construction Consider complementing your questionnaire with other forms of data collection (focus group or direct observation) Pilot – feedback – fix - pilot – analyze – fix - pilot – etc Respect process of empirical approach
Likert Scale is always a “summated scale” with multiple items. A measure that allows for rating the level of agreement with a statement. The score reflects the sum of responses on a series of items. - miniquiz (like Cosmo - ask several questions then sum responses) 1. Lower taxes and a smaller government will improve the standard of living for all. government will improve the standard of living for all. agree disagree - For example, several questions on political views (coded so that larger numbers mean “more liberal”) 2. Marriage should be between one man and one woman agree disagree 3. Evolution of species has no place in public education agree disagree
Likert Scale is always a “summated scale” with multiple items. A measure that allows for rating the level of agreement with a statement. The score reflects the sum of responses on a series of items. Anchored rating scales: a written description somewhere on the scale Agree Disagree Fully anchored rating scales: a written description for each point on the scale Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree AgreeDisagree Neutral I prefer rap music to classical music
Questionnaire is a set of fixed-format, self-report items completed without supervision or time-constraint Response rate and power of random sampling Response rate and power of random sampling Number of responders versus percentage of responders Number of responders versus percentage of responders Wording, order, balance can all affect results Wording, order, balance can all affect results Really important regarding bias ! Questionnaires use self-report items for measuring constructs. Constructs are operationally defined by content of items.
Questionnaire is a set of fixed-format, self-report items completed without supervision or time-constraint Response rate and power of random sampling Response rate and power of random sampling Number of responders versus percentage of responders Number of responders versus percentage of responders Wording, order, balance can all affect results Wording, order, balance can all affect results Really important regarding bias ! Questionnaires use self-report items for measuring constructs. Constructs are operationally defined by content of items. Review
As “composers” of questionnaire data – how should we ask? - pilot – fix - pilot – analyze – fix - pilot – all the way through your design As “consumers” of questionnaire data – what should we ask? Number of responders versus percentage of responders Operational definitions of constructs Wording Methodology of sampling Questionnaires use self-report items for measuring constructs. Constructs are operationally defined by content of items.
The importance of the iterative process in design: Iterative process and peer review is important skill in nearly all areas of business and science. Goal is to provide productive, useful and kind feedback