Best Foot Forward Study Leah Dorfman Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Ingrid Lofgren Leah Dorfman Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Ingrid Lofgren
Problem Statement Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the United States. Obesity and sedentary lifestyles are both major risk factors for CHD. CHD is linked to several risk factors which can increase ones risk for developing the disease. –Obesity –Physical Inactivity –Low fitness level –Glucose Intolerance
Background Many young adults have two or more risk factors, which often go unrecognized and untreated. –Young adults years of age There is limited research regarding the combination of diet and physical activity education for overweight and obese college aged females who may be at risk for developing CHD. The importance of this study is to determine what screening tools can give information about CHD risk in this specific population.
Background Continued Further research needs to be done in determining if there is a relationship between VO 2max and glucose intolerance for CHD and what form of interventions would be successful to modify these risk factors in order to prevent CHD. – Maximal oxygen consumption (VO 2max ) :indicates an increased cardiorespiratory fitness and training level. –Average number of steps per day: serve as an indicator of one’s physical activity level. –Glucose intolerance: specifically linked to an increased risk for diabetes mellitus.
Hypothesis If fitness level and physical activity are both negatively associated with blood glucose concentrations, then overweight/obese college females with low fitness and physical activity levels will have elevated blood glucose concentrations. IF: Low fitness and physical Activity Levels THEN: Elevated blood glucose concentrations
Full Study Time line Pre-Testing Eight Week Intervention Post-Testing Self Taught Intervention Group Intensive Intervention Group Randomized 50/50 Total: 10 Weeks
My Focus: Pre -Testing Body Composition: BodPod Dietary Recall: 2 Week Days 1 Weekend Maximal Oxygen Consumption: VO 2max Naughton-Balke Protocol Fasting Blood Draw: Blood Glucose Randomization: STIG or IIG Physical Activity: Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-S)
Methodology Anthropometric measurements: –Height: Seca 220 stadiometer –Weight: Seca 769 scale –Waist Circumference: Gulick fiberglass, non-stretchable tape measure with tensometer –Body Composition: BodPod Biochemical Measurements –12 hour fasting venous blood sample –Glucose assessed via Wako Glucose C2 Microtiter procedure
Methodology Continued VO 2 max: Naughton-Balke protocol - Marquette Series 2000 treadmill - Begins at 0% grade with a constant speed of 3.3 mph, percent grade increase 1% every minute until volitional fatigue - Concentrations and volumes of O 2 and CO 2 in expired gases will be analyzed to determine VO 2 max Blood Pressure: –Pre, post, and during VO 2 max test.
Methodology Continued Physical Activity Methodology: International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-S) - 7-item questionnaire - Adults within the age range years - Assesses levels of physical activity Yamax Digi-Walker SW-701 pedometer - Consistently gives values within 3% of actual steps taken - Subjects randomized in IIG will be asked to increase their steps by 25% Methodology Continued
Subjects NAgeBMI% Body FatWaist Circumference Mean % 8% 26 %
IPAQ Results
VO2max Results
Statistics: Statistical Software: SPSS Statistic Used: Pearson Product Correlation Correlations: Glucose, Number of Steps, IPAQ, and VO 2max # of Steps Per Day VO 2max Glucose Concentrations Means SD Results
Physical Activity IPAQ walking IPAQ moderate IPAQ vigorous # of Steps Correlations with Glucose Correlations Physical Fitness VO 2max Correlations with Glucose -.113
To restate my hypothesis: –If fitness level and physical activity are both negatively associated with blood glucose concentrations, then overweight/obese college females with low fitness and physical activity levels will have elevated blood glucose concentrations. Our results imply that there are negative correlations between IPAQ walking, IPAQ vigorous, # of steps, and VO 2max. (All except for IPAQ moderate). –Although these negative correlations were not considered statistically significant at the.05 alpha level. Conclusion
Dr. Ingrid Lofgren- I have learned so much this semester. You were an amazing faculty sponsor. Thank you for being so thorough and supportive every step of the way! Chelsea Smith- Thank you so much for mentoring me this semester. This project never would have happened without all of your help, friendship, & support! Emily Cook- Thank you for all your help, instruction, and patience in teaching me to test blood, which was something so out of my element. Honors Program Faculty- Thank you for an amazing past four years! Acknowledgements: