6/18/2016 DES / AzEIP 2011 Cycle Two Self Report Overview & Training Cycle Two Self Report Overview & Training
2 6/18/2016 Topics / Areas Covered Integrated Monitoring Activities Purpose of the Self Report How to complete the Self Report Technical Assistance
3 6/18/2016 AzEIP General Supervision System DES/AzEIP is responsible for the administration of the Arizona Early Intervention Program, which includes the following: oversight and monitoring of programs and activities used by Arizona to carry out early intervention, whether or not these programs or activities are receiving Part C funding, to ensure that Arizona complies with all federal requirements.
4 6/18/2016 State Performance Plan Policies, Procedures, and Effective Implementation Data on Processes and Results Targeted Technical Assistance & Professional Development Effective Dispute Resolution Integrated Monitoring Activities Improvement, Correction, Incentives & Sanctions Fiscal Management General Supervision System
Integrated Monitoring Activities In July 2010 the Department of Economic Security/Arizona Early Intervention Program (DES/AzEIP) implemented its revised integrated monitoring system. 5 6/18/2016
Integrated Monitoring Activities New integrated monitoring activities include annual review and analysis of data for each early intervention program (EIP) across multiple data sources for the purposes of: (i) identifying and correcting noncompliance, (ii) improving performance, (iii) selecting programs for on-site monitoring visits, (iv) making local program determinations, (v) identifying technical assistance and training priorities, and (vi) completing the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). 6 6/18/2016
Integrated Monitoring Activities The integrated monitoring activities are inclusive of the following three data sources: Self Report Data Each EIP is required to complete a Self Report during a three-year cycle beginning July Electronic Data Dispute Resolution Data (formal complaints) 7 6/18/2016
9 Self Report One of three Integrated Monitoring Activities of AzEIP’s Revised General Supervision and Monitoring System Three year cycle for local early intervention programs (EIPs) to complete and submit a Self Report
10 6/18/2016 Self Report The Self Report gathers data from each Early Intervention Program (EIP). Data corresponds to indicators identified in the Office of Special Education Program’s (OSEP) State Performance Plan (SPP) / Annual Performance Report (APR). Local EIPs are required to submit data that are not available through the current AzEIP databases. This includes data from AzEIP service providing agencies (DES/AzEIP, DDD, ASDB) and their contractors.
11 6/18/2016 Indicators in the Self Report Indicator 1 – Timely Services timely provision of service Indicator 2 - Natural Environments related requirements for natural environments Indicator 3 – Child Outcomes related requirements for child outcomes Indicator 4 – Family Outcomes related requirements for family outcomes Indicator 8a, 8b, and 8c - Transition timely transition planning by 3 rd birthday
12 6/18/2016 Selection of Files A single child’s file may be used to gather data for all Indicators if it matches the selection criteria. The EIP may have to pick additional files to get the data for Indicator 8b and 8c. Smaller EIPs may have to pull files from a previous quarter (January 2011-March 2011) to have at least five files of children with open IFSPs.
13 6/18/2016 Steps for Completing Self Report: Selection of Files Indicator 1 – ALL Files that have IFSPs with a new service(s) Initial 6 month any other review and /or Annual Written between: April 1, 2011 –June 30, 2011 Smaller EIPs – if you have less than five files you will have to pull files from the previous quarter (January 1,2011-March 31, 2011).
14 6/18/2016 Steps for Completing Self Report: Selection of Files Indicators 2, 3, 4, and 8a Team Based Model (TBM) Contractors ALL Files with Initial or Annual IFSPs Written between: April 1, 2011 –June 30, 2011 Smaller EIPs – if you have less than five files you will have to pull files from the previous quarter (January 1, 2011-March 31, 2011)
15 6/18/2016 Steps for Completing Self Report: Selection of Files Indicators 2, 3, 4, and 8a DDD ALL Files with Annual IFSPs Written between April 1, 2011 – June 30, 2011 Smaller EIPs – if you have less than five files you will have to pull files from the previous quarter (January 1, 2011-March 31, 2011).
16 6/18/2016 Steps for Completing Self Report: Selection of Files Indicators 2, 3, 4, and 8a ASBD ALL Files with Initial (if ASDB completed the IPP) or Annual IFSPs Written between: April 1, 2011 –June 30, 2011 Smaller EIPs – if you have less than five files you will have to pull files from the previous quarter (Jan 1, 2011-March 31, 2011)
17 6/18/2016 Steps for Completing Self Report: Selection of Files Indicator 8b and 8c – ALL files of children between 2 years 6 months and 2 years 11 months with open IFSPs Written between: April 1, 2011 –June 30, 2011 Include children with birthdays on or before September 30, 2008 Smaller EIPs – if you have less than five files you will have to pull files from the previous quarter (January 1, 2011-March 31, 2011)
18 6/18/2016 Self Report Steps Step 1: Child File Data Sheet Step 2: Summary Form for Self Report Step 3: Self Report
Child File Data Sheet 19 6/18/2016
20 6/18/2016 Summary Form for Self Report Excel workbook with self calculating worksheets. At the bottom of the workbook there should be TABS for you to access the individual worksheets: Timely services Natural Environments Child Outcomes Family Outcomes Transition Enter required data and save entire workbook to submit to DES/AzEIP.
Summary Form 21 6/18/2016
22 6/18/2016 Self Report Form Summarizes data from file reviews. Documents the percentage of compliance for each Indicator Indicators 2, 3 and 4 – summarizes percentage of compliance for related requirements for the Indicators.
Self Report 23 6/18/2016
24 6/18/2016 Submission of Data September 15 th - deadline for EIPs to electronically submit Self Report Data to DES/AzEIP Summary Form for Self Report Excel Workbook Program Self Report Send electronic documents to *AzEIP SC
25 6/18/2016 Next Steps… Within seven (7) business days of receipt of your EIP’s Self Report Submission, DES/AzEIP will send a request for child files for data verification purposes (IFSP). All EIP’s must submit the requested child files within seven (7) business days of DES/AzEIP’s request (total turnaround time no more than two (2) weeks). Child files must be submitted via scan/ or mail. DES/AzEIP will review and verify self report data no later then November 30 th, DES/AzEIP may send your Self Report back to you requesting additional data or information.
Next Steps… After verification, DES/AzEIP will issue a letter reflecting your EIP’s Local Determination Status within 90 days of review, but no later then December 15 th, Letters may include findings of compliance, non- compliance and required corrective actions. Letters will identify local EIPs for onsite monitoring visits. 26 6/18/2016
27 6/18/2016 Arizona Early Intervention Program Overview of General Su p ervision Timelines and Steps
28 6/18/2016
Technical Assistance A walk through of the Child File Data Sheets will be held Wednesday, June 29, 2011 from 2:00-4:00pm. A representative from each EIP is required to participate. Registration information will be sent out after this call. 29 6/18/2016