Learning from Dundee Early Intervention Project Learning from Dundee Early Intervention Project.


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Presentation transcript:

Learning from Dundee Early Intervention Project Learning from Dundee Early Intervention Project

DEIT Presentation DEIT Presentation Background Background Initial Influencing Factors Initial Influencing Factors Early Achievements Early Achievements Key factors to be considered for the next Key factors to be considered for the next steps steps What does this mean for you? What does this mean for you?

Background Background Children in Scotland Children in Scotland Dundee City Council Dundee City Council DEIT Partnership DEIT Partnership

Initial Influencing Factors Initial Influencing Factors Local context Local context People and relationships People and relationships Willingness to be open and constructive Willingness to be open and constructive Delivery, presentation and context of the challenge Delivery, presentation and context of the challenge Flexible commissioning with a long term perspective Flexible commissioning with a long term perspective Big Lottery Fund Big Lottery Fund

Early Achievements Early Achievements Tailored services for children and families Tailored services for children and families where problems are emerging where problems are emerging oldest or only child is aged 5-12yrs old oldest or only child is aged 5-12yrs old co-production principles co-production principles one DEIT key worker per family one DEIT key worker per family out of hours service out of hours service consistent, shared on-going training and CPD in the social pedagogy model for all staff and volunteers consistent, shared on-going training and CPD in the social pedagogy model for all staff and volunteers

Early Assets DEIT Steering Group DEIT Steering Group Additional funding Additional funding A business plan A business plan Skilled early intervention team Skilled early intervention team Integrated operational procedures Integrated operational procedures Evidence bank of outcomes Evidence bank of outcomes Significant, tangible contribution to GIRFEC and the logistical aspects of inter-agency working. Significant, tangible contribution to GIRFEC and the logistical aspects of inter-agency working.

Key factors : next steps Key factors : next steps Leadership Leadership Shared vision and values Shared vision and values Mapping existing services (no exceptions) against GIRFEC implementation strategy objectives Mapping existing services (no exceptions) against GIRFEC implementation strategy objectives Performance information and effectiveness Performance information and effectiveness

What does this mean for you? What does this mean for you? Readiness? Readiness? Leadership? Leadership? Duplication and gaps? Duplication and gaps? Understanding the need? Understanding the need? Co-production? Co-production? People and relationships? People and relationships?