USING RTI TO IMPROVE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT IN LITERACY A Report to Our Stakeholders TEMPLATE to fill in/ add to/ delete as you see fit! SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR
Our need for an RtI framework DISTRICT NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR CHOOSE OR STATE THE REASON(S) YOUR BUILDING INITIALLY EXPLORED RtI AS A FRAMEWORK. TELL YOUR STORY/ HISTORY. SHOW GRAPHS. EXAMPLE TEXT: 1. Data trends indicated a compelling need to reorganize our instructional delivery system- Data indicated a need for improvement in reading because an unacceptable percentage of students were not meeting grade level expectations/ huge performance gap existed between subgroups/ etc… SHOW A GRAPH OF THIS 2. Administrative mandate- Administration mandate to change service delivery system… DESCRIBE THIS 3. Legal mandates – Desire to Use RTI option for Special Education Eligibility for students with learning disabilities (IDEA 2004) Out of Compliance with special education and cited for corrective action Corrective action from AYP status SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR
Principles of Response to Instruction 3 1. Shared responsibility for student achievement in which general and special educators collaborate and support one another across all tiers. 2. RTI is a framework, not a program. The ingredients can be combined in many ways so that implementation may look different in different buildings, even within the same district. 3. Early Intervention as soon as the student’s performance indicates that they are “off track”. 4. Problem-Solving focused on curriculum, instructional, environment, and learner variables that can be controlled (in contrast to student deficits). 5. Using school-wide and grade-level data to evaluate instructional effectiveness. SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR
The building blocks of an RtI framework Easy access to and management of data Universal benchmark screenings Collaborative time to discuss data Professional development Refining core curriculum Creating a continuum of interventions Refining referral process Using formative data for student decisions The Heart of RtI: Using data within a problem-solving process to make instructional decisions that best meet the needs of students and accelerate their learning. fffffffffffffffff ess fffffffffffffffff These building blocks support our school improvement plans, NCA, and PLC work. SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR
Phases of Implementation DISTRICT NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR
Current State SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR TELL YOUR STORY. SOME EXAMPLES: Building leadership team comprised of: building principal (instructional leader) general education teacher (core instruction specialist) general education interventionist (intervention specialist) special education interventionist (data specialist) Master schedule for instructional time, weekly grade-level meeting, & universal screening with data meetings 3x/year Data-based decision-making and action planning 3x/year Progress monitoring data on implementation 1x/year Moving from Infrastructure to Sustained Implementation
How well are we progressing with RtI implementation? (Leadership Team Readiness Survey data) SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR SHOW GRAPHS AND EXPLAIN. SOME EXAMPLES:
How effective is our instructional program in getting students to master beginning reading skills? (Universal Screening data across time) SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR Kindergarten -
Are at least 80% of our students on track for meeting end of the year expectations? (Universal Screening data across time) SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR
How effective are our interventions in accelerating student progress? (Progress monitoring data) SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR Goal
How effective is our instructional program in promoting student proficiency with grade level expectations? (Outcome data) SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR Cohorts of students across time since RTI implemented in Kindergarten in
Celebrations and Next Steps SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR TELL YOUR STORY HERE. SOME EXAMPLE TEXT AND FINAL SLIDES: Meaningful collaboration between general, remedial and special education increased greatly There was an increase in systematic, data based problem solving and a decrease in one size fits all, quick solutions Links increasingly developed between RtI and school improvement plans School culture changed and this led to improved student outcomes Identified instructional priorities for Tier 3 intervention
Resources Required to Sustain a 3-Tier Framework: Staff District commitment to continue resource allocations to support RTI Building-Level Leadership Team that includes the following roles: Principal Data Expert Core Instruction Expert Intervention Expert 80% of staff committed to the vision and key elements of 3- Tier General and Special Education staff participation Grade-Level Teacher Coordinator and task-master SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR
Resources Required to Sustain a 3-Tier Framework: Time Assessment training sessions (“Boosters”) 3x/year Assessment window 3x/year: Universal screening measures Diagnostic assessments Data entry, organization, and display 3x/year Grade-Level Team Meetings 3x/year 1/2 day per grade level Stakeholder shareout 2x/year Leadership Networking 3x/year 1/2 day each Building Leadership Team Meetings 1x/month New teacher mentoring and training Planning for September in April – Articulation Activities SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR
Resources Required to Sustain a 3-Tier Framework: Financial Guest teacher for Grade-Level Team Meetings: Assume 3 GL teachers per meeting X 3 days of meetings X 3 times per year X $100 per day = $2700 per year DIBELS training for new staff = $40 per person MLPP training for new staff = $100 per person Additional professional development and materials as determined by action plans = $200 per person THROW IN SOME PICTURES OF ADORABLE CHILDREN SCHOOL NAME– Board Presentation - YEAR