APIs related to NBU AIR Feature 1 OST APIs Related to NBU AIR Feature
OST Attributes Enabling AIR functionality and NBU Configuration Configuration is based on server and LSU attributes – server capabilities bpstsinfo –sc srv_cap[] support of the OST v11.1 APIs –stsp_async_copy_image(), stsp_async_wait(), stsp_async_cancel() –stsp_get_lsu_rep_prop(), –stsp_get_event(), stsp_get_event_payload() srv_cap[] support of stsp_get_lsu_rep_prop(), NBU image set support sts_server_info_t.sld_flags: STS_SRV_STORED_EV – lsu capabilities & stsp_get_lsu_replication_prop() bpstsinfo –li sts_lsu_def_t.sld_flags: –STS_LSUF_REP_TARGET, STS_LSUF_REP_SOURCE, STS_LSUF_REP_ENABLED sts_lsu_def_t.sld_rep_targets APIs related to NBU AIR Feature 2
OST APIs for AIR Data Movement – stsp_async_copy_image() New OST v11.1 API Image batching defined by imageset Unlike other read/write APIs, no handles are used In this version of AIR, images are batched per NBU backup (HDR, TIR, IM, data) to_lsu is NULL event flags: INCLUDE & TRIGGER to_image: copy ONE, bi_master_server is origin, isi_slpname Backupid may span multiple sources STS_EBUSY, STS_EAGAIN are retried, other non-STS_EOK will fail the copy – stsp_async_wait() foreach opid STS_EBUSY, STS_EOK, – stsp_async_cancel () foreach opid – stsp_copy_image() is available, stsp_named_async_copy_image() is not. touchfile-enabled Is stsp_named_async_copy_image() or stsp_async_copy_image preferred? Any thoughts on an opt-dupe implementation using these APIs (instead of stsp_copy_extent() using stsp_open_target_server()? APIs related to NBU AIR Feature 3
OST APIs for AIR Events – stsp_open_evchannel() push: NULL evhandler and event starts with seqno zero – stsp_get_event(), stsp_get_event_payload() detached STS_EVT_IMG_REP –Payload contains one or more sts_image_info_t related to replicated IM fragment sts_image_info_t identifies current server and LSU Associated sts_image_def_t identifies origin master and slpname Always copy 1. This is a duplicate/copy, not a replica/mirror inline STS_EVT_LSU_INFO –Allows for dynamic configuration of NBU’s diskvolume capabilities sts_ev_lsu_info_v11_t.e_fields includes STS_EVT_LSU_INFO_FLAGS sts_ev_lsu_info_v11_t.e_info.lsu_def.sld_flags include variations of STS_LSUF_REP_ENABLED, STS_LSUF_REP_SOURCE & STS_LSUF_REP_TARGET Other events may be logged, but no action will occur All events are (eventually) deleted after being processed or logged Polling occurs each minute for storage servers configured and credentialed in NBU – stsp_delete_event() – stsp_close_evchannel() Import relies on target LSUs being configured in NBU with STS_LSU_REP_TARGET | STS_LSU_REP_ENABLED set. STS_EVT_LSU_INFO event should possibly be prioritized because of this. APIs related to NBU AIR Feature 4
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