How Stars Form: -The space around stars contains gas/dust A nebula is a large cloud of dust/gas, some nebulas glow lit by other stars and some are cold and dark that block the light from distant stars behind it
Stars are created by gravity. Gravity pulls the nebula’s dust/gas into a denser cloud, as it contracts it heats up A contracting cloud of dust with enough mass to form a star is called a proto-star A star is formed when a contracting cloud of dust/gas becomes so dense and hot that nuclear fusion begins
Spend about 90% of their lives in main sequence (converting hydrogen to helium) A star’s mass determines the star’s place on the main sequence and how long it will stay there The amount of gas/dust when the star forms determines the mass of the star
High mass stars become the brightest/bluest, about 300,000 times brighter than sun Because they are bigger and burn so brightly, they only last for a few million years A yellow star like our sun will remain stable for 10 billion years A red sequence star may stay in sequence for more than 100 billion years (Formed from small nebulas, 1/10 the sun’s mass)
When a star runs out of fuel gravity starts to compress the core and causes it to shrink Then the star will begin to fuse helium into carbon/oxygen/and other heavier elements Once all fuel is gone it causes the star to die and turn into a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole
Can be 8 times as massive as the sun will eventually turn into white dwarfs The dying star is surrounded by a glowing cloud of gas called a planetary nebula (Because the 1 st ones found looked like planets viewed through a small telescope) Once it blows off most of its mass, only its hot core remains (Size of Earth but still about the same mass as before) Once it cools its called a black dwarf (Takes 20 billion years so the universe has not been around long enough for this to occur)
More than 8 times the mass of the sun, grow into super-giants creating new elements, the heaviest being iron Dies quickly because it consumes its fuel very rapidly Once the star runs out of fuel the star collapses and explodes as a supernova (Becomes brighter than an entire galaxy) Produces elements heavier than iron -Rare Earth Elements -Uranium, Platinum, Gold, Etc
The heavier elements in our solar system, including the atoms in your body, came from a supernova that occurred in our galaxy billions of years ago As the supernova spews material into space, its core continues to collapse If the remaining core has a mass less than 3 times the sun’s mass, it will become a neutron star (This star is dense, electrons/protons are crushed together by the enormous gravity to form neutrons)
Neutron stars are much smaller and denser than white dwarfs A spoonful of a neutron star would weigh nearly a billion tons on Earth Can spin hundreds of times a second If a neutron star gives off strong pulses of radio waves it is called a Pulsar
If a star’s core after a supernova explosion is more than 3 times the sun’s mass, gravity causes the collapse beyond the neutron star stage The pull of gravity increases and the speed required to escape the star’s core reaches the speed of light
Beyond this point, nothing can escape and a black hole is formed A black hole is an object whose surface gravity is so great that not even electromagnetic waves, traveling at the speed of light, can escape from it