Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people
What is equality? Equality is about making sure everyone has a chance to take part in society on an equal basis and be treated appropriately, regardless of their gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, language, social origin, religious beliefs, marital status and other personal attributes
Equality does not mean everyone has to be treated the same Equality does not mean everyone has to be treated the same. People have different needs, situations and goals Practitioners have a part to play in supporting people to live in the way they value and choose, to be themselves and to be different if they wish.
What is diversity? Diversity is about the differences in values, attitudes, cultures, beliefs, skills, knowledge and life experience of each individual in any group of people. The UK has a diverse population – some of which is easily seen and some that might not be obvious
Elements of diversity Age income Gender education Ethnicity marital status Race religious beliefs Physical ability geographic location Sexual orientation parental status Physical characteristics personality type
Valuing diversity Valuing diversity means... Recognising that individuals or social groups may view situations differently based on their distinct backgrounds or frames of reference Respect and consideration for views, traditions and limitations of all groups of people Recognising both sameness and difference
Valuing diversity cont. Recognising that we all have experiences of being different that are both negative and positive Celebrate diversity by appreciating and valuing individual differences
1.1 relevant legislation Equality Act 2010 Disability discrimination Act 2005 Special Educational needs and Disability Act 2001 Race Relations (Amendment)Act 2000 Human Rights Act 1998 Sex discrimination Act 1975 Equality Act 2006 Employment Equality (sexual orientation) Regulations 2003
1.1 Codes of practice Citizens Charter 1991 EYFS Every Child Matters School policies and procedures – you should read relevant policies (equal opps, inclusion) and briefly summarise
1.1 1.2 1.3 Basic human rights Life Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment Freedom from slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour Liberty and security Freedom of expression
Basic human rights cont. Respect for private and family life, home and correspondence Freedom of thought, conscience and religion Peaceful enjoyment of possessions and protection of property Access to an education
1.2/1.3 Why should schools promote values of equality and diversity (include ideas around multi-culturalism) 1.4/1.5 How can schools and practitioners promote positive values around equality and diversity?
1.2/1.3 Even with laws in place, discrimination and prejudice still exists Good practices must be adopted to allow equal opportunities, equality and diversity to flourish
2.3 being aware of our own values A young man who had been badly injured in a car accident has been brought into a hospital's accident and emergency department. The doctor determines that emergency brain surgery is required. Accordingly, the brain surgeon is paged. Upon seeing the patient, the surgeon exclaims ‘I can't operate on that boy! He's my son!’ That is so, but the surgeon is not the boy's father. How can the apparent contradiction be explained?
2.3 forming perceptions Through our life, experiences teach us about our place in a group or society. We tend to be: Raised in groups just like us Gravitate to similar people Be uncomfortable with differences
Forming perceptions cont We can mistakenly believe that: All people like us on the surface are like us in other ways All people unlike us on the surface are different in all other ways We can view others through the lens of a group stereotype
In your groups think of as many ways as possible 2.1 Explain ways in which children and young people can experience prejudice and discrimination In your groups think of as many ways as possible
2.2 Analyse the impact of prejudice and discrimination on children and young people Socially isolated Expecting to be rejected or excluded Low self esteem/self worth Responding to self fulfilling prophecies by not achieving Low self-efficacy (being no good at things) Stress Depression Withdrawal Loss of motivation to achieve
3.1 what is inclusion? Inclusion is the practice in which students with special educational needs spend most or all of their time with non-SEN students (ie in mainstream settings) Also has a wider meaning of making learning relevant and accessible to all pupils whatever their abilities, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc
1.1 Inclusion This is a complex issue Inclusion is not merely having an SEN child present in the classroom. It means the child having full access to the learning experiences WORK IN 2 TEAMS TEAM 1 -POSITIVE ASPECTS OF FULL INCLUSION TEAM 2 -CHALLENGES OF FULL INCLUSION
3.1 barriers to participation Work with a partner to list as many potential barriers to children accessing school life as you can
3.3 how can a TA support inclusion? Support pupils one to one/groups Ask children about their individual needs/wishes Work with parents Create resources & displays Involvement in planning Being a positive role model – eg attitudes and communication strategies Encourage positive attitudes from other children and wider school community Get training to learn how to support specific children’s needs Support physical access requirements/intimate care