What to do: Get out stuff for notes and a sheet of paper.
Why do territorial conflicts arise among religious groups?
Discussion What conflicts in the 20 th century included a religious aspect? What does “fundamentalism” mean? – Literal/strict interpretation of religious laws or texts.
Religion vs. Govt Religious groups may oppose policies seen as contradicting their religious values. Especially where fundamentalism is becoming more common or where social changes are different than traditional religious customs.
Taliban Took control of Afghanistan in 1996 initially welcomed b/c better than previous warlords & protect against Russia Passed strict laws opposing Western values. – “Western, non-Islamic” leisure activities banned (TV, music, Internet, kites) – Soccer stadiums converted to settings for executions and floggings. – Old means of punishment returned (beatings, hands cut off, buried alive, etc.) – Got rid of all Buddhist influences (statues, temples) Removed from power by US-led alliance in 2001->moved into Pakistan Group who took credit for this eventthis event
Hinduism vs. Social Equality Based on karma Dalits (untouchables) have very limited rights and neglected by society lots of health and economic issues Govt has instituted a “quota system” that requires schools to take certain # of each caste.
Religion vs. Communism Sometimes leads to religious revival Sometimes leads to growth of atheism/agnosticism Sometimes leads to confusion on what to keep/adopt and what to ignore
Religion vs. Religion Ireland: Catholics vs. Protestants Ireland Crusades: Christians vs. Muslims for control of Jerusalem Israel vs. neighbors: several wars that changed boundaries. Israel should have lost many times but didn’t.
Israel vs. Palestine Control of Israel Jewish country in the middle of Muslim countries but has a sizeable Muslim minority Palestinians have been allowed to have limited form of govt in certain areas. Especially a problem of Jerusalem: if we divide country, who gets it? No solution!