Michelangelo Buonarroti By Mrs. Kravchak
Imagine a great attention getter here… I KNOW! Let’s get some art supplies and paint under the desks…just like he did in the Sistine Chapel OR…I could dress up like Michelangelo & tell my story from his perspective. OR…I could make a social media site about my life. OR…I could just let my students come up with their own ideas.
BRIEF OUTLINE I. Michelangelo (artist) A. Development B. Style/Technique C. Form D. Famous Works II. Renaissance (art period) A. Characteristics B. Artist’s Place III. Creation of Adam (focus piece analysis) A. Style B. Form C. Technique …not to be confused with the detailed outline I will turn in to my teacher in the day of my presentation
ARTIST I. Development A. The Apprentice B. The Sculptor C. The Painter D. The Architect See how my points are brief and easy to take notes from?
Sculptures Battle of the Centaurs (1492) Bust of Brutus (1538) David (circa 1501) Cool! I covered Sculpture & Development
Style/ Technique Manipulation of dark and light Balanced perspective Humanist symbolism Attention to detail: human anatomy Pyramidal configuration Brilliant sense of color Look how big I made the picture so everyone can see The Last Judgment ( )
Form Sculpture Painting Architecture Poetry I’m so awesome! I don’t even need to cover Famous Works because I combined it throughout the presentation…take away this bubble & I can make the poem bigger
Renaissance Art Period CHARACTERISTICSPLACEMENT 1. Reverence for Greek Values 2. Balanced Perspective 3. Perfection of Human Form 4. Brilliant Sense of Color 5. Homage to pagan theology I am going to use my words to explain how well his works fit
Focus Piece: Creation of Adam STYLE & TECHNIQUE Humanist symbolism Manipulation of dark and light Brilliant use of color Religious subject matter Perfection of human form Since everyone is taking notes, I’ll let them jot this stuff down before we get into the fun part!
Analysis of Focus Piece Again, a big picture…yay, me!
Symbolism Brain Womb Heart
Light & Dark
Use of Color/Religious Subject Matter
Perfection of Human Form I am old…so my technological ability is limited (as you can tell). Wow me with all that you can do!
LAST SLIDE: INFLUENCE/IMPACT & WHY HE PICKED ME… Enough already! Haven’t I given you enough? Figure out your own artist’s impact…he/she chose you after all!! Consider the following: Impact: How he/she remains alive in our world today Influence: How did he/she influence later artists Picking you?: You’re on your own