Administrator Sodexo Performance Survey June 9, 2015
How has Sodexo customer service been related to your concerns and needs of your building?
In the past 12 months have you seen a change in efficiency of work order completion?
In the past 12 months, how would you rate the completion of work orders?
What changes would you like to see within the Facilities Department? Better relationships with workers Custodial floaters Accountability of Building Superintendents Technology Installation timely More control over employees to BOE + Continue with Judy Yoder More contractor staff + Regular check on facilities personnel
Has there been work completed in your building in the past year that was needed for an extended amount of time?
What items were completed that were previously needed? Snow equipment Fork lift Dehumidifiers Tractors + Roof Repairs +++ First aid cabinet Emergency lighting Fire blankets Duct cleaning + Response time
Line painting Carpet repair Technology installation + Sidewalk repair PA improvement Snow removal from roof Screen repair Equipment repair Carpentry Work + Fire Alarm + Railings fixed Tree Trimming AED Installation Personnel issues addressed Plumbing issues + Gutter work
Leaking windows Heating concerns Gym floor damage Phone System Extensions