Alberto Santoro 1 UERJ Rio– February Outline I -Historical Marks II –Leon’s Initiative III-Conclusion
Alberto Santoro 2 Followed by Lattes and the discovery of Pion, Th HEP in Brazil starts in the University of S. Paulo with Gleb Wathagin. Mario Schenberg, Marcelo Damy de Souza Santos, Walter Schutzer Ugo Camerini e Giuseppe Ochiallini em Following the enthusiasm of the discovery of the Meson π, J. Tiomno + José Leite Lopes, they could make a good proposal to the brazilian government in And founded CBPF. A Symposium in Rio, where, Isidor J. Rabi, E. P. Wigner, S. De Benedetti, E. Segré, John and Leona Marshall, H. L. Anderson participates, They proposed to do: 1.Buy a Synchroton 27” and 3,6 MeV To build an accelerator of 400 MeV, EVERYTHING finish after the suicide of Getulio
Alberto Santoro 3 Again, R. Salmeron and J. Tiomno invested in this possibility but in 1964 the military dictatorship stopped this new initiative. University of Brasilia – New Hopes R. Salmeron went to Paris to the Ecole Polytechnique J. Leite Lopes went to Strasbourg – France J. Tiomno went to United States for Short time Many colleagues went to Europe/USA. In 1977 I came back to Brazil. We found a Department of Theoretical Physics with Cosmology and Particle. It is interesting to note that many colleagues were against the start again Particle Research at CBPF.
Alberto Santoro 4 In 1981, the initiative of Leon Lederman starts a new era of Physics not only in Brazil but also in all Latin America. Leon would like to discuss the idea of a FERMILAB Panamerican Laboratory like CERN for Europe. This was not possible unfortunately, but the High Energy Physics started strong activities in Latin America. * st. Symposium in México (Thanks to Glicério Avilez) * 1982 and nd. and 3 rd. Symposium in Brazil * th. Symposium in Argentina * th. Symposium in Colombia
Alberto Santoro 5 By our arrival at FERMILAB, we saw the flag of Brazil – The collaboration starts… Moacyr - ? – Escobar – Santoro - Sergio The test to know if I could do Experimental Physics was:
Alberto Santoro 6 Tagged Photon Laboratory Stanley Orr Fábrica de Cintiladores Principalmente Fibras Cintilantes - FERMILAB Xinxim de Galinha (300 services) My first test to know if I could do High Energy Physics
Alberto Santoro 7 For our surprise a New Economic Plan of the Brazilian Government (28/02/1986, decreto-lei # José Sarney). All financial support from FINEP and CNPq stopped for more than one year. We freezed our participation in D0. AND, We elaborated our first project for financial suport to FINEP in 4 parts: (i) Finish the data analysis of E691 (iii) To build an ACP, as our new tool to do Physics. (iv) To build an especific subdetector for Dzero. (ii) To build a Lab. With instrumentation to be possible to work for Dzero and to be a school for the future physicists. Returning from FERMILAB
Alberto Santoro 8 First (I,II,III) ACPMAP Tagged Photon System We decided to do the experiments E691, E769 and E791.. “Tagged Photon Laboratoy “
Alberto Santoro 9 D0 - Collaboration
Alberto Santoro 10 Concentrating efforts (in one Experiment) (i) Contributing to create new groups; (ii) Creating the conditions for new generation to work in HEP. A new group started working on DELPHI/LEP R. Shellard, Ma. Elena Pol, plus physicists and engineers from UFRJ. Argentina, Colombia and Mexico started new groups too Decisions
Alberto Santoro 11 Students and Engineers Isaias Roberto Ignácio Alberto Carla Marcelo Sandra Carmem João Torres Jussara Sandra Ivone Marta e E.Barbosa
Alberto Santoro 12
Alberto Santoro 13 LNLS
Alberto Santoro 14 These small boxes and the Castle Stand of the Roman Pot were built by NIKHEF. NIKHEF built the Box Window and Castle Stand Castle Stand
Alberto Santoro 15 L A F E X ADMINISTRATION Academiccs - Activities Experimen tal Physics Associated Tecnology Theoretical Physics Phenomenology Program -Courses -Seminaires -Scientific Initiation -Master -Ph.D -Stages -I. Technologic E691 γ p E691 γ p FUTURE E740 Pbar P E740 Pbar P DELPHI e + e - DELPHI e + e - E791 πp E791 πp LHC/CERN SDC/SSC SCINT. COMP. -Farm Lafex -ACP2 -Network -Software -New Projects DETECTORS -SMD-DELPHI -SVX-D0 -FVX-D0 -MUONS ELECTRONIC -D0 -DELPHI -Triggers E769 h p E769 h p A SLIDE FROM 1993
Alberto Santoro 16 In this Experiment, Dzero, we worked in several parts: - Pixel detectors, Eletronic, software (Data Base- Oracle), Roman Pots, - In Physics, a number significative of analysis, Thesis on B-Physics and Diffration. Going back to DZERO CHEP95 was done in Rio de Janeiro- FERMILAB & LAFEX/CBPF organizers. A correlation with our work on ACP. ( first international video conference in Brazil.)
Alberto Santoro 17 Today there are many Experimental Physics Groups in Brazil and in L. America. New initiatives did not stop. The first agreement between Fermilab and CNPq was negociated by Roy Rubinstein and myself. The collaboration with Fermilab and the generosity of Leon Lederman and his group and in the last 10 years by Harvey Newman and their collaborators built the present development of HEP. HELEN E-PLANET
Alberto Santoro 18 CMS Endcap GRID T2-HEPGRID-Brazil-UERJ Small Control Room FWP- Since the beginning Analysis CASTOR Cabling of Tracking Several Basic Softwares Computing (Marko, Alan, Diego and Samir) HPS NOW: HCAL,HF,…
Alberto Santoro 19 In the last two Years: 8 Master Thesis 6 PhD Thesis 22 studies/papers 12 Techinical Notes including Analysis notes..