Life of Jesus A Perspective Influenced by Buddhism
Numerous Story Parallels
A Man called Dharma, as Jesus In this story, Dharma is a man searching for and finding insight and then trying, often without success to convey his experiences to others. In this story, Dharma is a man searching for and finding insight and then trying, often without success to convey his experiences to others. He does it by using the ideas of his time, just as the Buddha does in his story, and which the modern storyteller explains sometimes in up-to-date terms. He does it by using the ideas of his time, just as the Buddha does in his story, and which the modern storyteller explains sometimes in up-to-date terms.
A Man called Dharma, as Jesus Thus Dharma speaks of gods but doesn’t advocate belief in them, let alone see himself as one. Thus Dharma speaks of gods but doesn’t advocate belief in them, let alone see himself as one. Jesus is named Dharma to convey his life and teachings as being a presentation of the truth. Jesus is named Dharma to convey his life and teachings as being a presentation of the truth. In the same way so are other characters and places in the story named in Sanskrit, Pali or Thai to reflect similar meanings of their Hebrew, Greek or Latin origins. In the same way so are other characters and places in the story named in Sanskrit, Pali or Thai to reflect similar meanings of their Hebrew, Greek or Latin origins.
Why a Novel? A novel allows emotion and rationality to interact to engage the whole of the reader A novel allows emotion and rationality to interact to engage the whole of the reader The life stories of Buddha and Jesus are both collated to relay deep truths that do not lend themselves to precise description The life stories of Buddha and Jesus are both collated to relay deep truths that do not lend themselves to precise description
‘Dharma as Man’ An ancient story read each evening by an old man to his young son as they sit on a veranda in rural India. An ancient story read each evening by an old man to his young son as they sit on a veranda in rural India. They read of a wise man, of the myths that grew up about him according to customs of storytellers of that era. They read of a wise man, of the myths that grew up about him according to customs of storytellers of that era. They trace his attempts to relate his journey of personal development to live within the rhythm of the cosmos. They trace his attempts to relate his journey of personal development to live within the rhythm of the cosmos.
‘Dharma as Man’ It is a universal tale condensed to combine the world’s stories, which renders Jesus life into Buddhist concepts in an ancient Indian setting. It is a universal tale condensed to combine the world’s stories, which renders Jesus life into Buddhist concepts in an ancient Indian setting. It is not a religious book, and so will appeal to open- minded Atheists, Animists, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Judaists, Muslims, Taoists … and Zoroastrians. It is not a religious book, and so will appeal to open- minded Atheists, Animists, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Judaists, Muslims, Taoists … and Zoroastrians. The life of this enlightened Dharma is our own essential psychological path told through the gospel stories freed from God and dogma. The life of this enlightened Dharma is our own essential psychological path told through the gospel stories freed from God and dogma.
An example ‘After a bountiful harvest, a rich man built larger godowns to store his extra grain. He sat back thinking he was now set for a life of leisure in his self-made devaloka. Then he dropped dead. What value were those things to him then! All surplus savings are without value. Invest in the true value of your spiritual life. For the enlightened life is like a clear eye that illuminates the whole body. But the ignorant life is like a cataract that makes life progressively darker. Cultivate your spiritual life that you may be enlightened all the time’. Matthew 6:22-23; Luke 11:34-35, 12:13-21; Thomas 63