Indicators and Effects of Climate Change


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Presentation transcript:

Indicators and Effects of Climate Change

Indicators 1. Global Warming 2. Changes in Polar and Glacial Ice 3. Ocean Acidity 4. Climate and Health 5. Changing wind patterns 6. Changing precipitation patterns 7. Storm Intensity and frequency 8. Changing biomes (Do not copy)

1. Global Warming the increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere and ocean that has been measured over the past 100 years the largest single indicator of climate change some scientists believe the rate of increase has accelerated since the 1960s

2. Changes in Polar and Glacial Ice Ice coverage: Large volumes of Earth’s ice have been shrinking in recent years.

Impacts of Melting Ice a) Rising sea levels: The average sea level has risen between 10 and 15 cm over the past 100 years. Some scientists predict that the melting ice in glaciers and ice caps will cause sea levels to increase by 20-40 cm within the next 100 years. More land will then be covered by water causing populations of people to be displaced.

Impacts of Melting Ice a) Rising sea levels:

Impacts of Melting Ice b) Habitat of animals: For example: polar bears depend on large areas of sea ice over which they hunt their prey warmer temperatures melt the ice making it difficult for them to find their traditional foods

Impacts of Melting Ice c) Culture and lifestyle of the Inuit population is closely tied to the environment and wildlife: Traditional lifestyle involves traveling and hunting on sea ice. (The thinning & disappearing sea ice has made this more difficult and unpredictable.)

3. Ocean Acidity Oceans have absorbed about half of all carbon dioxide produced from fossil fuel emissions over the past 200 years. Some of the gas forms carbonic acid which lowers the pH of the water. (making it more acidic)

Effects of Ocean acidity Threatens the ability of: - corals & other organisms to build shells & hard skeletons - fish and plankton to reproduce

4. Climate and Health Climate is closely connected with health Risk of disease and infection  Outbreaks of some of the most serious diseases seem to increase during periods of higher temperatures. (i.e. malaria, plague) Increased presence of allergens  Increasing temperatures affect the amount of dust in the air, the growth of mould, and release of pollen. Risk of injury or death due to extreme weather

5. Changing Wind Patterns Changes in heat distribution over Earth’s surface have led to changes in wind patterns. Speed, frequency, and direction of winds over Earth’s surface have fluctuated unpredictably for several years. Some scientists believe that the unusual wind patterns have helped increase the melting of ice in the Arctic.

6. Changing Precipitation Patterns High temperatures increase the rate of evaporation. When warm, moist air rises & cools it produces rain or snow. Since 1948 the average annual temperatures across Ontario have increased as much as 1.4 oC Annual precipitation and total number of days per year that precipitation falls have increased. Ie. In Northern Ontario there has been an increase in number of snowfalls and quantity.

6. Changing Precipitation Patterns

Effects: Desertification, Droughts, etc. A decline in precipitation can lead to… Desertification: the process by which land slowly dries out until little or no vegetation can survive and the land becomes a desert. (may lead to famines.) As average temperature increases, crop losses from drought will increase. Approximately half of the nations in the world may experience water shortages by 2025.

Effects: Desertification, Droughts, etc.

7. Storm Intensity and Frequency The temperatures of tropical waters, where tropical storms start, have increased by 0.33oC since 1981. Over the same period the strongest storms have become stronger. warmer seas hold more energy to potentially convert to hurricane- speed winds

Note: page 297 summarizes some of the global impacts 8. Changing Biomes The plants and animals that are adapted to a particular region may no longer be able to survive there if the climate conditions change. More than 1 million species are threatened with extinction worldwide as a result of climate change. Note: page 297 summarizes some of the global impacts

Effects: Shrinking Wetlands Wetlands include marshes, bogs, and swamps. They store and filter water They are habitats for plants and a variety of animals Example: Lower levels in the Great Lakes will dry out the wetlands around the shoreline.

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