Unit 4 – Part 1 Global Warming
Why Temperatures Are Rising The Earth is gradually heating up. Some think it’s caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Others think it is a natural change. This heating of the Earth is called global warming.
Climate Change Climate change includes global warming, but it also includes wind and precipitation changes. The Earth may cool as the orbit gets more circular and the tilt changes.
Global Warming – The gradually increasing average temperature of the earth as a whole. Climate Change – includes global warming, but also cooling in some parts of the world.
The Carbon-Oxygen Cycle People affect global warming by releasing more carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere. This increases the greenhouse gases in the air and greenhouse gases absorb heat. So, more greenhouse gases means higher world temperatures.
The Carbon-Oxygen Cycle Humans and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees and plants do the opposite. This keeps the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere equal.
The Carbon-Oxygen Cycle Carbon gets into the atmosphere in many different ways. It is found in oceans, forests, fossil fuels, and even in humans. Humans add more carbon to the air by driving cars and burning forests.
The Greenhouse Effect Adding carbon to the atmosphere contributes to the greenhouse effect. The atmosphere acts like a thick blanket, allowing heat to stay on Earth. Without it, Earth would be too cold to live on.
The Greenhouse Effect There has been too much carbon put into the atmosphere recently, causing the greenhouse effect to increase. This means higher temperatures across the world.
Who Creates Greenhouse Gases? We all do! Every time a person starts a car, boots up a computer, or turns on an air conditioner, they are pumping greenhouse gases into the air.
Consequences of Global Warming Global warming has a negative effect on natural and human systems. Plants and animals have difficulty adapting.
Effects on Canada’s Wildlife and People Trees that thrive in cold weather are found growing further and further north. Caribou are migrating further north to avoid moose, which are moving further north to avoid warmer temperatures.
The Arctic Sea ice is melting in the Arctic, where temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else on Earth. Aboriginal peoples’ way of life are being threatened by the warmer temperatures. Houses built in the north are sinking into the ground because the permafrost is melting.
Farther South in Canada Changes will vary. Severe storms will be more frequent, there will be more precipitation, and black flies and mosquitoes will be in higher numbers and be around longer. The mosquitoes will bring diseases such as West Nile virus, more common in Ontario and Quebec. Atlantic Canada will experience rising sea levels.
Effects on Canada’s Economy In the Prairies, drier conditions could mean farming is wiped out. Medicine Hat could be the next Las Vegas! However, municipal water shortages will likely also occur.
The number of forest fires would likely increase and the pine beetle would move in to destroy trees as well. Forestry workers would move north to follow the growth of trees in that direction.
Melting ice and permafrost would mean muddy and dangerous conditions for ice road truckers. Pipelines built on permafrost would sink into the mud.
Tourism would be affected in Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador, where skiing season would be shortened with higher temperatures. Skiing might increase in Vancouver, however, where more snowfall is predicted.
Health care workers would be needed to help fend off tropical diseases brought on by higher temperatures. Engineers and transportation workers would have their hands full with repairing damage from flooding and other natural disasters.
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