Improving Academic Writing It’s important to connect statements to research based evidence.
This is why clear connections are important! Have you ever had a conversation with someone who makes an awkward segue? For example: You are talking about the Solar System, and the person you are speaking with dramatically changes the subject, and begins telling you what they got for Christmas last year.
In their mind, here is the connection: The Solar System has stars: My Christmas Tree has a star:
Which leads them to think about: All things Christmas: OOOOHHHH! I got a neat gift for Christmas. I bet you would like to hear about it!
The speaker saw the connection, but did not make it clear. This created an awkward moment in the conversation because the listener may have had no idea why the speaker jumped from topic to topic. Unfortunately, the same thing can happen in writing.
Would it have helped for the speaker to make the connection more clear? YES!
How can a writer connect statements to research based evidence? The links the writer creates between the evidence, and the statement should be crystal clear, concise and well stated. The links will be so clear that absolutely no mistake can be made. The writer does the “thinking” FOR the reader, pointing out good connections clearly. The reader does not have to guess how the statement and the research based evidence are linked.
Here is an Example: This is the statement: All people should have the opportunity to get an education and the opportunity should not be taken away from anyone. This is the research based evidence: “Education is a basic human right. Like all human rights, it is universal and inalienable- everyone, regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity or economic status, is entitled to it.” (UNICEF 2012) UNICEF. (2012, February 21). Basic Education and Gender Equality. Retrieved from
Another Great Example: This is the statement: An effective teacher should be organized and spend a significant amount of time writing detailed lesson plans, and preparing to teach lessons. This is the research based evidence: An effective teacher must, “dedicate extra time to instructional preparation and reflection”, which leads to, “(maximizing) instructional time via effective classroom management and organization”. (Tucker & Stronge, n.d., p. 2). Tucker, P.D., & Stronge J. H., (n.d.). Linking Teacher Evaluation and Student Learning, 1-12.
Another great example: This is the statement: The thinking process is important for student learning. This is the research based evidence: “ According to John Dewey (1910), “how we think is often more important than what we think.” (Sternberg and Williams, 2010). Robert J. and Wendy M.,S. (2010). Educational Psychology. (2 nd ed., p. 4, 442). Columbus, Ohio: Merrill.
How Do Some Students Feel About Academic Writing? It is somewhat normal for students to feel like they are repeating themselves over and over again in academic writing. While repeating yourself may sometimes feel frustrating for students, it MIGHT mean you are on the right track. HINT: It may also mean that your THESAURUS is a valuable writing tool for academic writing.
Why do we need to write IOL’s? EPC 315 students write IOL’s to demonstrate that they understand the impact their strategies will have on student learning. First you will write a strategy, then your IOL will state why it will work. Finally, you will state what will happen once your strategy it fully implemented.
What are we HOPING will happen once our strategies are fully implemented?. We are hoping that students will comprehend and retain the curriculum.
How should I write an IOL? First state your strategy: When I am a teacher, I will Then, begin IOL statement by writing: The impact on learning will be…
Here’s an example to help beginners learn to write IOL’s: Strategy:When I am a teacher, I will share a portfolio of student work with parents at conference time. IOL: The impact on learning will be that the parents can see the quality of their children’s work, and review how the work is evaluated. This will help them understand how their children are performing academically, and show them how which areas their children need help. If parents are able to assist, children will be more likely to comprehend and retain the curriculum.
One way to begin writing strategies and IOL’s by preparing a template like this: Strategy:When I am a teacher, IOL: The impact on learning will be comprehend and retain the curriculum.
Here is another example: Strategy:When I am a teacher, I will send at least one paper reminder, and one about conferences. IOL: The impact on learning will be that the parents will remember to come to their scheduled conference. Parental attendance will provide a chance talk about ways parents can help their children. With the help of their parents, children will be better able to comprehend and retain the curriculum.
Another example: Strategy:When I am a teacher, inform parents when their child’s behavior is inappropriate. IOL: The impact on learning will be that the parents may be able to guide their children to behave better, which will decrease distractions in the classroom. Fewer distractions will give all children a better chance to comprehend and retain the curriculum.
Another Example: Strategy:When I am a teacher, I will involve the children in the conferences. IOL: The impact on learning will be that the children will hear their parents and teachers discuss their academic progress, strengths and challenges, ensuring that all the stakeholders, are on the same page the importance of school success. This will motivate the child to do his or her best to comprehend and retain the curriculum.
Is this the only way to write IOL’s? NO This is a format to help beginners learn to understand how to discuss the impact on learning of specific strategies. Once you have practiced a little more, you may be ready to explore new ways to write IOL’s.