Opinion Writing Evette Striblen ELA curriculum specialist, Central
Opinion/Argument: the Basics Below are the items that should be included in all opinion writing, whether it be a full essay or short response. THE OPINION or CLAIM: This is also called the Thesis Statement or claim. The opinion is the overall statement that the writer is trying to support and prove. EVIDENCE: Writers should provide Concrete Details to support the opinion and reasons for the opinion. This can be evidence from the text or can come from the writer’s own knowledge. Elaboration: Writers should connect their (opinion/analysis) of the topic with the support from the text.
Opinion/Argument “Structure” Opinion (Topic Sentence) Evidence Explanation/Analysis (elaboration) Concluding Sentence Paragrap h Format: In ANY order!
Our Prompt Write an essay in which you state your opinion about whether dogs or cats make better pets. Use information from the passages in your essay to support your opinion. Pat it down: Purpose, Audience, Task P: To share my opinion A: People who don’t like cats or dogs T: Why cats or dogs make a better pet
Close Reading for evidence… Read the provided three articles As you read annotate for evidence that supports: C= Cats make better pets D= Dogs make better pets
Quickwrite: Reflecting and Synthesizing What is your position? Think about the articles you read. Do you think cats or dogs would make better pets?
Intentional Communication “Our communication is intentional…We can’t parse our communicative lives according to speaking, listening, reading, writing, and viewing without losing the reciprocal and iterative effects that each has upon the other.” “As teachers we should always be moving students ‘from conversation to composition’” ~Fisher and Frey: Close Reading and Writing From Sources
Dogs are better than cats. A 4 corner discussion AGREE DISAGREEE STRONGLY AGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE
Go back to your quickwrite Did you change your mind based on the conversation? Why? Who/what altered your prior thoughts? Add on to your earlier thoughts, making changes, additions, etc.
Roundtable Discussion
Our Prompt Write an essay in which you state your opinion about whether dogs or cats make better pets. Use information from the passages in your essay to support your opinion.
The Arch Method: The Arch Method is a short and sweet way to ensure writers will include all the aspects of an argument when they plan. Personal Experience: ● Things that have happened to you ● Use this one the least, if at all! Observations: ● Things that have happened but not to you. ● People are more likely to listen if it’s not personal Connections: (from text) ● Current Events ● Historical Events ● Other Texts USE THIS KIND OF EVIDENCE THE MOST! Concrete Details (CD’s): Evidence Thesis Statement/Opinion Reasons that support your opinion Reasons against your opinion
Scaffolding Ideas You Say, I Say Sentence Stems
Another Possible Scaffold: ________________ make better pets than ___________ for many reasons. According to ___________________, cats/dogs ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________. Additionally, ___________________ states _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________. This evidence shows __________________________________________. In comparison, dogs/cats __________________________________________ __________________________________________________proving __________________________________________. As such, it can be concluded that _______________make far better pets than __________________ because they _______________________________________________________________. Write an essay in which you state your opinion about whether dogs or cats make better pets. Use information from the passages in your essay to support your opinion
The Standards… Writing: W 1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. W 4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. W 8: Gather relevant information from multiple… sources W 9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Reading: RI 1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text Speaking and Listening: SL 1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on topics, texts, and issues