By: Lacey Williams
Introduction Troubles in CS education Lack of comprehension of the basics Seen in first-year CS students Are there long-term effects? Lack of basic skills can negatively affect comprehension of more complex material
Introduction Is there a solution? Learning approaches What are learning approaches? Different ways of learning computer science Changes from traditional teaching methods Best way to enhance comprehension of basic skills They can be easily implemented in the classroom
Introduction Types of learning approaches Most common: Verification-driven learning Test-driven learning Problem-based learning
Background Verification-driven learning (VDL) What is verification-driven learning? A learning approach in which students must validate the functionality of software, execute the program and find out if it works correctly, test parts of the system, and locate the error (if one exists) Simply put, they are “verifying” the functionality of the software One of the most commonly researched learning approaches
Background Verification-driven learning (VDL) Benefits: Exposes students to working software Encourages the learning process by: Challenging students’ knowledge and their ability to learn Substantially increases familiarity with software systems Requires comprehension and analysis Students get to see what they learn in the classroom applied in real-world challenges
Background Verification-driven learning (VDL) The “Process”: Execute the software Does it work correctly? Test parts of the system Locate the error, should one exist
Background Test-driven learning (TDL) What is Test-Driven Learning? TDL is an approach to teaching computer science that involves introducing and exploring new concepts through automated unit test Automated Unit Test: Automated Unit Test (AUT): Tests used to evaluate the smallest, testable piece of source code, or unit in an application Their purpose is to identify bugs in the code before integrating the code into the rest of the system
Background Test-driven learning (TDL) Automated Unit Test: These tests can cut down on the development and implementation period Bugs are removed before they are incorporated into the system Prevents a large setback in the developmental procedure in a large system rather than in a small unit
Background Test-driven learning (TDL) Automated Unit Test: Core of the test-driven learning method Example of the AUT is Java Keyword “assert” It is used to show that a small program/unit will produce expected results
Background Test-driven learning (TDL) Benefits: Similar to VDL Can be applied at any point in the undergraduate’s career Most effective when applied at the beginning Unit testing helps students to thoroughly understand system with which they are working Easily implemented in the classroom
Background Test-driven learning (TDL) Benefits: The testing requires no additional time or effort than a program using standard input/output With TDL it is possible to improve students’ comprehension and test skills AUT can also be very useful in the workplace
Background Problem-based learning (PBL) What is problem-based learning? Learning through solving large-scale, real-world problems PBL is student based learning Seen in group work in a software engineering class Involves much broader problems, so it can require a larger set of problem solving skills
Background Problem-based learning (PBL) Different from other learning approaches Not “implemented in a classroom”, more specifically, it is not implemented during lecture time Lecture time is instead used for tutorials and lab time Also different in that it is applicable to any subject
Background Problem-based learning (PBL) What it is not: Based on small, structured problem solving A short program whose purpose is to reiterate and put into practice the topics of a lesson Program with standard input/output
Background Problem-based learning (PBL) Benefits: Lecture time used for lab time and tutorials Allows students to find and utilize information This information will cover a wide variety of concepts and ideas Unlike small structured programs which will usually focus on one main idea/concept Prepares students to be independent Produces effective and efficient, constant learners
Background Problem-based learning (PBL) Benefits: Gives students an active role in choosing what they should or would like to learn Helps develop research skills Greatly enhances knowledge Does not have a purely technical focus like most computer science courses