Linear, Nonlinear, and Weakly-Private Secret Sharing Schemes Amos Beimel Ben-Gurion University Slides borrowed fromYuval Ishai, Noam Livne, Moni Naor, Enav Weinreb.
Secret Sharing [Shamir79,Blakley79,ItoSaitoNishizeki87] 1706 1706 t=3 ? 1329 2538 3441 6634
Talk Overview Motivation and definitions Linear secret sharing schemes Nonlinear secret sharing schemes Weakly-private secret sharing schemes Conclusions and open problems 28/05/2007 ICITS
Def: Secret Sharing s1 s2 sn s r Access Structure P1 P2 Pn s1 s2 sn s r Access Structure realizes if: Correctness: every authorized set B can always recover s. Privacy: every unauthorized set B cannot learn anything about s. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Applications Secure storage; Secure multiparty computation; Threshold cryptography; Byzantine agreement; Access control; Private information retrieval; Attribute-based encryption. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Shamir’s t-out-of-n Secret Sharing Scheme Input: secret s Choose at random a polynomial p(x)=s+r1x+r2x2+…+ rt-1xt-1 Share of Pj: sj= p(j ) s 28/05/2007 ICITS
The General Case {2,4} {1,2} {1,3,5} Not efficient!!!! s P1 P2 P3 P4 Which access structures can be realized? Necessary condition: is monotone. Also sufficient! P1 P2 s P3 P4 P5 minimal sets {2,4} {1,2} {1,3,5} Not efficient!!!! 28/05/2007 ICITS
Are there Efficient Schemes? The known schemes for general access structures have shares of size 2O(n). Best lower bound for an explicit structure [Csirmaz94]: (n2 / logn) Nothing better is known even for non-explicit structures! large gap Conjecture: There is an access structure that requires shares of size 2Ω(n). 28/05/2007 ICITS
Talk Overview Motivation and definitions Linear secret sharing schemes Nonlinear secret sharing schemes Weakly-private secret sharing schemes Conclusions and open problems 28/05/2007 ICITS
Linear Secret-Sharing F s r1 P1 P2 Pn Linear Transformation r2 rm Examples: Shamir’s scheme Formula based Schemes [BenalohLeichter88] Monotone span programs [KrachmerWigderson93] 28/05/2007 ICITS
Linear Schemes and Span Program Monotone Span programs – linear algebraic model of computation [KarchmerWigderson93]. Equivalent to Linear schemes. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Monotone Span Programs 1 1 The program accepts a set B iff the rows labeled by B span the target vector. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Monotone Span Programs 1 1 1 1 1 {P2,P4} 28/05/2007 ICITS
Monotone Span Programs 1 1 1 1 {P1,P2} 28/05/2007 ICITS
Span Programs Secret Sharing 1 s r2 r3 r4 s+ r2+r4 r2+r3 s+r2 r3+r4 P2 P1 P3 P4 = 1 P2 P1 P3 P4 Example s=1,r2=r3=0, r4=1 28/05/2007 ICITS
Span Programs Secret Sharing 1 s r2 r3 r4 s+r2+r4 r2+r3 s+r2 r3+r4 P2 P1 P3 P4 = 1 s {P2,P4} 28/05/2007 ICITS
Linear Schemes: State of the Art Every access structure can be realized by a linear scheme. Most known schemes are linear. Linear schemes can efficiently realize only access structures in NC (NC = languages having efficient parallel algorithms). Best lower bounds for linear schemes for explicit access structures [B+GalPaterson95,BabaiGalWigderson96,Gal98,GalPudlak03]: (nlog n). Best existential lower bounds for linear schemes: 2(n). 28/05/2007 ICITS
Why Linear Secret Sharing? Share generation and secret reconstruction are efficient. Perfect privacy for free. Homomorphic Secure multi-party computation [CramerDamgardMaurer2000] Why not? Can only realize access structures in NC. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Homomorphism of Linear Secret Sharing 1 P4 P3 P1 P2 r4 r3 r2 s y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 = 1 r4 + r’4 r3+ r’3 r2 +r’2 s+s’ y5+y’5 y4+y’4 y3+y’3 y2+y’2 y1+y’1 = + 1 P4 P3 P1 P2 r’4 r’3 r’2 s’ y’5 y’4 y’3 y’2 y’1 = 28/05/2007 ICITS
Application: Computing a Sum 28/05/2007 ICITS
Multiplicative Homomorphism of Linear Secret Sharing [… Multiplicative Homomorphism of Linear Secret Sharing [….,CramerDamgardMaurer2000] 1 P4 P3 P1 P2 r4 r3 r2 s y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 = z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 PROTOCOL * 1 P4 P3 P1 P2 r’4 r’3 r’2 s’ y’5 y’4 y’3 y’2 y’1 = Shares for s * s’ Access structure must be Q2 28/05/2007 ICITS
Talk Overview Motivation and definitions Linear secret sharing schemes Nonlinear secret sharing schemes Weakly-private secret sharing Conclusions and open problems 28/05/2007 ICITS
Constructing Nonlinear scheme Two constructions: Composition Approach no assumptions, access structures in NC. Direct Constructions access structures probably not in P. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Nonlinear Schemes: Composition Approach [B+Ishai01] Pn+1 P2n P1 Pn S1 S2 …. over GF(2) over GF(3) S= S1+S2 [B+Weinreb03]: access structure: easy over GF(2), hard over any other field access structure: easy over GF(3), hard over any other field 28/05/2007 ICITS
Nonlinear schemes: Direct Constructions [B+Ishai01] computationally efficient? perfect / statistical access structure equivalent to... perfect quadratic residuosity modulo a (fixed) prime Yes Yes statistical co-primality No statistical quadratic residuosity 28/05/2007 ICITS
Quadratic Non-Residuosity Modulo Fixed Prime First idea: represent a set of numbers by an access structure Only sets that contain exactly one party from each column n = 2m 1 B1101 u p fixed p is defined by the minimal sets { Bu : u QNRp }. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Efficient Nonlinear Scheme Info. to be learned by Bu rR QRp r +z3 +z2 +z1 +z0 1 SUM = r mod p u QRp SUM QRp u QNRp SUM QRp zi = 0 (mod v) r Parties can only sum shares s = 1: 1 23r 22r 21r 20r Privacy Correctness SUM = ru mod p u QRp SUM QRp u QNRp SUM QNRp 28/05/2007 ICITS
Talk Overview Motivation and definitions Linear secret sharing schemes Nonlinear secret sharing schemes Weakly-private secret sharing Conclusions and open problems 28/05/2007 ICITS
Large gap Sharing 1-bit secret for general access structures: The known schemes have 2O(n)-bit shares Best lower bound for an explicit structure [Csirmaz94]: (n / log n) Conjecture: There is an access structure that requires shares of size 2Ω(n) for a one-bit secret. No progress in the last decade! 28/05/2007 ICITS
What Should We Do? Prove lower-bounds for stronger definitions of secret sharing Linear secret sharing schemes – nΩ(logn)-bit shares for one bit secret [B+GalPaterson95,BabaiGalWigderson96,Gal98] . Prove upper-bounds for weaker definitions of secret sharing. Try to understand which techniques should be used to prove lower bounds. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Def: Weakly-Private Secret Sharing Pn s1 s2 sn s r weakly realizes if: Correctness: every authorized set B can always recover s. Weak Privacy: every unauthorized set C can never rule out any secret. For every two secrets a,b, for every shares si iC 28/05/2007 ICITS
Motivation Strong lower bounds for secret sharing use entropy arguments [CapocelliDeSantisGarganoVaccaro91, BlundoDeSantisGarganoVaccaro92, Csirmaz94,….]. Weakly-private ideal secret sharing = Perfect ideal secret sharing [BrickellDavenport91]. Some papers used weakly-private schemes to prove lower bounds for perfect schemes [Seymour92, KurosawaOkada96,B+Livne06] 28/05/2007 ICITS
Motivation II Key Distribution Schemes: [BlundoDeSantisHerzbergKuttenVaccaroYung92] proved lower bounds for perfect schemes using entropy arguments. [B+Chor93] proved the same lower bound for weakly-private schemes. Does weak-privacy suffice for proving lower-bounds for secret sharing schemes? 28/05/2007 ICITS
Our Results , there is a scheme: -bit secret and ( + c)-bit shares, c is a ``constant’’ depending on Disclaimer: c can be exponential in n. Perfect: best known c’-bit shares. For a doubly-exponential family of access structures, there is an efficient weakly-private scheme for 1-bit secrets (due to Yuval Ishai). Perfect: known only for an exponential family There is a weakly-private t-out-of-n scheme: 1-bit secret and O(t)-bit shares. Perfect: log n-bit shares. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Constructions for general access structures First attempt: , try to construct a scheme with an -bit secret and -bit shares. Let s be an -bit secret. Choose at random a maximal unauthorized set D . Choose a random bi {0,1} for every Pi D. Set bi = s for every Pi D. The share of Pi is bi. Weak privacy: C The set C can get any vector of shares for every s. Correctness: ????? B Pi B \ D. Guess Pi B and output bi. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Constructions for general access structures Second (correct) attempt: , there is a scheme with an -bit secret and (+c)-bit shares (c is a “constant” depending on ). Choose at random a maximal unauthorized set D . Share the n-bit string representing D using a weakly-private scheme realizing . Let a1,…,an be the generated shares. Choose a random bi {0,1} for every Pi D. Set bi = s for every Pi D. The share of Pi is (ai,bi). Correctness: B Pi B \ D. Reconstructs D, finds Pi B \ D, and outputs bi. Share size: scheme where shares ai are 2n-bits (worse case) Total size: +2n 28/05/2007 ICITS
Talk Overview Motivation and definitions Linear secret sharing schemes Nonlinear secret sharing schemes Weakly-private secret sharing Conclusions and open problems 28/05/2007 ICITS
Conclusions Linearity is useful. However, linear schemes can realize only access structures in NC. Nonlinear schemes can efficiently realize some “computationally hard” access structures. Exact power of nonlinear schemes remains unknown. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Proving Lower Bounds Close gap for perfect secret sharing schemes Improve 2O(n) upper bound? Improve (n2 / logn) lower bound? Even existential proof is interesting. Exponential lower bounds for linear schemes Improve (nlog n) lower bound. 28/05/2007 ICITS
Upper & Lower Bounds: Specific Access Structures Directed connectivity Participants correspond to edges in the complete directed graph Authorized sets: graphs containing a path from v1 to v2 Efficient construction for undirected connectivity There is an efficient computational scheme Open: perfect scheme Perfect Matching Implies a scheme for directed connectivity Open: perfect and computational schemes Weighted threshold Efficient computational scheme [B+Weinreb] Perfect scheme with nlog n shares Open: monotone formula 28/05/2007 ICITS
Secret Sharing and Oblivious Transfer Hamiltonian: Participants correspond to edges in the complete graph Authorized sets: graphs containing a Hamiltonian cycle Want an efficient scheme for minimal authorized subsets – when given the witness (cycle) Theorem [Rudich]: If one-way functions exist and an efficient secret sharing scheme for the Hamiltonian problem exists then Oblivious Transfer Protocols exist. I.e., Minicrypt = Cryptomania Construction is non-blackbox Theorem [Rudich]: If there is a perfect scheme for Hamiltonian, then NP Co-AM 28/05/2007 ICITS
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