>> Debriefing D1 EU Twinning Project Support to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics Jerusalem, July 2013
>> Expected results Mandatory results for component D: Quality control methods and tools for monitoring field interviewers A manual of guidelines for interviewers Expected output of the D.1 activity Mission report on methods for managing and monitoring fields interviewers Input to a manual for interviewers 2
>> Recommendations (1) More interviewers per superviser, but find the balance and the optimal number of supervisers More flexibility in the organisation of the work The individual interviewer and superviser involved in several surveys To some extent the interviewer choosing her working hours herself can be helpful => quality, efficiency Harmonisation of questionnaires ... and, come time, software and hardware 3
>> Recommendations (2) Feedback procedures to interviewers More is good Based on improved indicators Organisational / strategic issues Sampling / surveying expert in Data Collection Division? -Dialogue even easier -More flexibility in the very short time frame, for example necessity for ”thinning the sample” (sub-sampling) Use of administrative registers -Improving quality of sampling -Possibility for cross-checking the quality of the collected data 4
>> Recommendations (3) Indicators – planning and monitoring Capacity planning Quantitative indicators Qualitative indicators Self-reporting by the interviewers on actual time used Redefine the role of the superviser Limited involvement in training Emphasis on coaching interviewers Control done by HQ – and action by supervisers Training By professional trainers who are specialised for this, only Including all facets of training, including eLearning possiblities Looks for methods to re-visit and study the instructions/manuals 5
>> Recommendations (4) Interviewer manuals establish a one-for-all generic manual keep the same structure for all surveys (manuals) even though there may, in some cases, be very little to say 6 GeneralSurvey specific About CBS and confidentiality About this survey Sample conceptThis sample QuestionnairesThis questionnaire Approach strategyThis approach strategy Technical issuesSpecific technical issues, this survey
>> Recommendations (5) General guide (e.g pages) About CBS and confidentiality Sample concept (representativity and sample frame and registers, how to handle the address units etc.) How to handle a questionnaire -Interview technique -Interview rules (how to read etc.) -Other things Approach strategy – handling addresses, people who have moved, get co-operation, administrative part of the interviewing etc. Technical issues (software and labtop, data transmission etc.) Survey specific guide About the survey This sample This questionnaire Special approach issues related to this survey Technical issues related to this survey 7
>> Indicators What kind of indicators should be developed? Indicators should be Measurable Provided with a standard Interpretable Further develop the two current indices used by CBS on time spent per response Be systematic and follow the format: name, definition, variables, standard, action, purpose, presentation source, period under review) 8
>> Work plan Before November 2013 Define the index / structure for the manuals Put the two existing indices on the suggested format of the Quality Indicator System Before June 2014 (study visit) Coordinate the CAPI work with the CATI part of the project -there are some differences -some surveys (LFS) use both CAPI and CATI Fill in the general part of the manual Fill in the specific part for two different (in nature) surveys 9