>> Debriefing D1 EU Twinning Project Support to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics Jerusalem, 21-24 July 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

>> Debriefing D1 EU Twinning Project Support to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics Jerusalem, July 2013

>> Expected results Mandatory results for component D:  Quality control methods and tools for monitoring field interviewers  A manual of guidelines for interviewers Expected output of the D.1 activity  Mission report on methods for managing and monitoring fields interviewers  Input to a manual for interviewers 2

>> Recommendations (1)  More interviewers per superviser, but find the balance and the optimal number of supervisers  More flexibility in the organisation of the work  The individual interviewer and superviser involved in several surveys  To some extent the interviewer choosing her working hours herself can be helpful => quality, efficiency  Harmonisation of questionnaires ... and, come time, software and hardware 3

>> Recommendations (2)  Feedback procedures to interviewers  More is good  Based on improved indicators  Organisational / strategic issues  Sampling / surveying expert in Data Collection Division? -Dialogue even easier -More flexibility in the very short time frame, for example necessity for ”thinning the sample” (sub-sampling)  Use of administrative registers -Improving quality of sampling -Possibility for cross-checking the quality of the collected data 4

>> Recommendations (3)  Indicators – planning and monitoring  Capacity planning  Quantitative indicators  Qualitative indicators  Self-reporting by the interviewers on actual time used  Redefine the role of the superviser  Limited involvement in training  Emphasis on coaching interviewers  Control done by HQ – and action by supervisers  Training  By professional trainers who are specialised for this, only  Including all facets of training, including eLearning possiblities  Looks for methods to re-visit and study the instructions/manuals 5

>> Recommendations (4)  Interviewer manuals  establish a one-for-all generic manual  keep the same structure for all surveys (manuals) even though there may, in some cases, be very little to say 6 GeneralSurvey specific About CBS and confidentiality About this survey Sample conceptThis sample QuestionnairesThis questionnaire Approach strategyThis approach strategy Technical issuesSpecific technical issues, this survey

>> Recommendations (5)  General guide (e.g pages)  About CBS and confidentiality  Sample concept (representativity and sample frame and registers, how to handle the address units etc.)  How to handle a questionnaire -Interview technique -Interview rules (how to read etc.) -Other things  Approach strategy – handling addresses, people who have moved, get co-operation, administrative part of the interviewing etc.  Technical issues (software and labtop, data transmission etc.)  Survey specific guide  About the survey  This sample  This questionnaire  Special approach issues related to this survey  Technical issues related to this survey 7

>> Indicators What kind of indicators should be developed?  Indicators should be  Measurable  Provided with a standard  Interpretable  Further develop the two current indices used by CBS on time spent per response  Be systematic and follow the format: name, definition, variables, standard, action, purpose, presentation source, period under review) 8

>> Work plan  Before November 2013  Define the index / structure for the manuals  Put the two existing indices on the suggested format of the Quality Indicator System  Before June 2014 (study visit)  Coordinate the CAPI work with the CATI part of the project -there are some differences -some surveys (LFS) use both CAPI and CATI  Fill in the general part of the manual  Fill in the specific part for two different (in nature) surveys 9