Concrete vs Abstract Nouns
What is a concrete or abstract noun? Concrete Noun Names a thing that is TANGIBLE (seen, touched, heard, smelled, or tasted) Can ether be common or proper I kicked the dog. The monkey ate my sister’s banana. Tanya drank my smoothie! Abstract Noun Names an idea, a condition or a feeling Simply said, something that can NOT be eaten, seen, heard or smelled! Kino felt sadness because he lost his hard-earned money Nitta was overcome with happiness when her husband gave her an ipad!
Identify concrete and abstract nouns! Concrete Nouns 1. The puppy was filled with sadness when the dog stole his bone.puppysadnessstole 2. My cat ate a rat for lunch.catfor 3. Many people are vegetarians, which means they don’t eat animals.areeat animals 4. I love to eat chocolate because it is very sweet Abstract Nouns 1. The swimmer has a lot of strength.swimmerstrength 2. Ben’s heart was filled with happiness when he saw his first paycheck.hearthappinesspaycheck 3. The policewoman was given a trophy for courage.policewomancourage 4. If I had a million dollars, I’d get rid of all the poverty in the world.dollarspovertyworld
Add it on! Write each noun and label it concrete or abstract AND common or proper. 1. Because we live in Hawaii, all we see is water, sand, and waves. (4 nouns) 2. Communication is a very important process for all people. (3 nouns) 3. Mary is filled with happiness today because justice has been served by the judge. (4 nouns)
Answers 1. Hawaii - concrete, proper; water - concrete, common; sand - concrete, common; waves -concrete, common_ 2. communication - abstract, common; process - abstract, common; people - concrete, common 3. Mary - concrete, proper; happiness - abstract, common; justice - abstract, common; judge - concrete, common
More Practice 1. My folder fell out of my briefcase and landed somewhere on Green Drive. 2. During the storm, the Raymonds lost their power, but nevertheless, they were still happy. 3. The Statue of Liberty displays love to everyone.
Answers 1. folder - concrete, common; briefcase - concrete, common; Green Drive - concrete, proper 2. storm - concrete, common; Raymonds - concrete, proper; power - concrete, common 3. Statue of Liberty - concrete, proper; love - abstract, common