Spanish Vocab 1 Study Guide This version is asking the students to say a Spanish word in English
Me llamo… My name is…
El Baño The Bathroom
El Agua The Water
La Clase The Class
Por Favor Please
Gracias Thank You
Se Llama She/He Is Called
Levantate or Levanta Raises or Gets Up
Sientate Sit
Toca She or He touches
Salta She or He jumps
Monta a Cabello Rides a horse
Se Cae She or He falls
Toma She or He takes
Delante de In front of
Detrás de Behind
La mano The Hand
El estómago The Stomach
La Cabeza The Head
La pierna The Leg
La boca The mouth
El brazo The Arm
Los ojos The Eyes
El pelo The Hair
Los dedos The Fingers
Corre She or He Runs
La chica The Girl
El chico The Boy
Escribe She or He writes
Escucha She or He Listens
Mira She or He Looks
El lápiz The Pencil
El papel The Paper
Carmina She Or He Walks
Tiene She or He Has
Repite She or He Repeats
Grande Large, Big
Pequeño Small
Loco Crazy
Rápido Fast
Hacia Towards
Habla She or He Talks
Bien Well
El gato The Cat
El toro The Bull
Correcto Correct
El pirata The Pirate
Ataca She or He Attacks
Pega She or He Hits
Silencio Silence