Project Team Partners of the Project: Promoter of the Project: ERBIL PROJECT CONSULTING ENGINEERING CO. LTD. University of Leuven PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY, Project no:TR/06/B/F/PP/ Technologica Group Infoproject Pliroforiki S.A. TERO Ltd. TRAINING 2000 Osuuskunta Eco-One Project Consultatie en Training Groep B.V.PCT Van der Meer & van Tilburg Innovation Consultants
PROWAT PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING A NON-REVENUE WATER REDUCTION STRATEGY IMPROVES THE PERFORMANCE OF WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS NRW is a large common problem around the world Definition of NRW – Non-Revenue Water : “The difference between the volume of water put into the distribution system and the volume of water billed to the customers”
PROWAT Project is funded from European Commission and Turkish National Agency.. It is a project running under the programme : “EUROPEAN UNION LIFE LONG LEARNING LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECTS” Turkish National Agency : European Commission : Leonardo da Vinci :
The aim of Leonardo da Vinci programme is to promote: –The innovation, –European dimension, –Transferability, –Quality with analysing and solving problems for the vocational training systems. –The adaptation of professional innovations in life-long learning training. Project no:TR/06/B/F/PP/178065
PROWAT Project’s –Duration is: 01st February 2007 – 01st March 2009 –Priority is to develop the quality of Vocational Education & Training systems and practices in Water Management. Project no:TR/06/B/F/PP/178065
Objectives of the project: –Pointing up the issues of Modern Water Management improving the performance of water supply and distribution systems by : REDUCING THE LOSS OF WATER, –Training the TARGET GROUP : Engineers, technicians working in; –SMEs, –Water Institutions, –Water Associations, Trainers, managers working in; –Universities, Training Institutions & VET Organisations. Project no:TR/06/B/F/PP/178065
–Project aims to transfer new technologies, directives, methods & principles of effective Water Management and up - to - date knowledge to the target group and potential users by specific training methods. Project no:TR/06/B/F/PP/178065
Technically saying: The target group & potential users will be trained about the Planning and Implementation of a Non-Revenue Water Reduction Strategy which will Improve the Performance of Water Supply and Distribution Systems ; –Identification of priority areas and operating policy of the water network, –Assessment of methodologies and policies, –Introduction of monitor and control elements of non-revenue water, which has three components; Real losses Apparent losses Unbilled consumption Project no:TR/06/B/F/PP/178065
The valorization of the project will be mainly through; –e-learning on a common platform, –Interactively & specially designed WEB site, –Interactive DVD-ROM, –Interactive computer software programme, –Book of Loss, –Vocational training courses. Project no:TR/06/B/F/PP/178065
And, you can find the PROWAT products in the following languages: –Turkish –English, –Greek, –Finnish, –Italian, –French Project no:TR/06/B/F/PP/178065
Project Management based on 7 WP’s Development of training modules Web site & DVD-ROMMonitoring and Evaluation of project Management and Coordination Testing of the materials Technical & Engineering Book and a software programme Valorization P8P4,5 P2,3, 10 P7,6 P10 P5,9 P1,7, 10
Work package 1 WP1WP1 1 ERBIL TRAINING2000 PAMUKKALE Management and Coordination of the project
WP1WP1 1 In the scope of this work package: Needs Analysis, specification of target groups, most recent applied methods in Modern-Water- Technology-Management Sector were prepared and presented by all partners in National Reports for the following countries: Turkey Belgium France Greece Finland Italy The Netherlands
Work package 2 WP2WP2 2 INFO TERO Production & Development of Basic Products
WP2WP2 2 An interactive project web-site is actively in use and also available in the following languages; – English – Dutch – Finnish – French – Greek – Italian – Turkish Interactive DVD-Rom is prepared,
WP3WP3 3 Work package 3 Production & Development of Engineering Products ERBIL PAMUKKALE
Content of the engineering/ technical part of PROWAT project is developed and we prepared our LOSS BOOK.. POSEIDON is an online software tool developed by the PROWAT project, used to design and assess water loss reduction strategies. POSEIDON stands for “Professional PROWAT Performance of On-Line Instrument on How to Manage Water Losses of Networks” WP3WP3 3
WP4WP4 4 Work package 4 TRAINING2000 ECO ONE Development of Training Modules
WP4WP4 4 Training modules of Loss Book have been completed successfully in the environment Moodle. MOODLE: Modular – Object – Oriented – Dynamic – Learning - Environment. Training courses are tested in different languages in Beneficiary countries by the partners. Considering the test results, revision and modification of the training modules have been performed.
WP5WP5 5 Work package 5 PAMUKKALE Testing of the Materials
WP5WP5 5 Testings have been preformed for the: LOSS BOOK Blended-Learning Moodle Vocational testing courses have been performed in the partner countries in order to check & test the blended-learning Moodle. And, after these testings results, modifications and adjustments have been done for the book and training Module.
WP6WP6 6 Work package 6 TERO VAN DER MEER Valorisation (Dissemination & Exploitation of Results)
Here, the main aim is to introduce the project and its products everywhere in order for the best usage of the products among the beneficiaries. Dissemination Products such as posters, leaflets, introductory materilas for the PROWAT Project are prepared by the dissemination team.… The project is disseminated through newspapers, seminars/ conferences, technical papers ; and leaflets & posters are delivered to the beneficiaries…. WP6WP6 6
WP7WP7 7 Work package 7 PCT Monitoring and Evaluation of the Project
Project development is evaluated at each step of the Project, The progress in each individual work package is also evaluated, In case of any error, the modifications and revisions have been done within the project.. WP7WP7 7