H-CARE: “Launching of Sector Skills Alliance for Training & Apprenticeship of Health Care and Food Supplements Salespersons” H-CARE project concept and.


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Presentation transcript:

H-CARE: “Launching of Sector Skills Alliance for Training & Apprenticeship of Health Care and Food Supplements Salespersons” H-CARE project concept and outcomes 27 TH MAY 2016 Presented by: ANDREAN LAZAROV

General information:  Sub-programme: Leonardo da Vinci  Action: Multilateral Projects for Development of innovation – Sector skills alliances  Start date: 01 January 2014  End date: 30 June 2016  Duration: 30 months

Partnership:  Istanbul Regional Educational Directorate, Turkey – Project Coordinator  European Medical Association, Belgium  “G.Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania  BFI National Institute for Vocational Training, Austria  National Agency for Vocational Education and Training, Bulgaria  Consultancy company “ZGURA-M”, Bulgaria

Prerequisites for project development  The fastest growth in Health Care jobs is concentrated in the Health Services field and 19% of all health care job growth from will be in Health services (Source: BLS, Career Guide to Industries; Health care Jobs Projections from 2004 through 2014).  Following the identified gap between the needs of the market and available, but not relevant, VET courses, the project intends to develop innovative blended training programme for Vocational qualification of a new job profile “Health Care & Food Supplements salesperson”

Prerequisites for project development  The project provides national qualification description (by ECVET learning outcomes) and build the project results on “Integrated Competencies Framework For Public Health Workforce Development” (promoted on ) and with EQF (level 4), so that the qualifications in this field are more transparent and comparable on EU level.

Target groups:  Unemployed graduate adults (18+) who are seeking employment in the Health Care and Food Supplements sectors;  Current employees at aforementioned sectors who would like to increase their sales skills and competitiveness;  VET trainers and VET training centres;  Trade companies (SMEs) in the field of Health Care.

Project key results:  Comparative quantitative and qualitative analysis of the national findings related to training needs and gaps related to the knowledge and competencies of the current and potential HC salespersons;  H-CARE unified curriculum (ECVET based);  Multilingual e-learning platform (WCAG 2.0 SCORM compliant);  H-CARE VET training modules ;  H-CARE control tool (EQAVET based);  Occupational core profile of “Health Care and Food Supplement Salesperson”  Consolidated Usability report.

The H-CARE blended VET training programme The H-CARE blended VET training programme will consist of 9 training modules, developed as cross-sector alliance collaboration namely:  M1. Health Care Introduction & Health prevention recommendations;  M2. EU and National legislative framework  M3. Trading with medical devices and Assistive technologies  M4. Trading with food supplements  M5. Communication & Work with disabled customers  M6. Sales management skills  M7. Entrepreneurship skills  M8. E-commerce  M9. Internship

Impact:  The impact on unemployed graduate adults (18+) who are seeking employment is immediate and reflect not only on enhancement of their knowledge and skills of the learners but also influence the quality level of services at the companies where they are employed;  For unemployed people who would like to work at Health Care sales establishments the H-CARE project provides required knowledge, skills and competencies and this increases the level of their competitiveness on the labour market.

Impact: (2)  VET training centers benefit by using free of charge training resources in the field of Health Care and Food Supplements sales.  Trade companies (SMEs) in the field of Health Care - H-CARE training materials are training more competent employees who could work in their establishments and increases the performance sales level of their current employees.

Europe 2020 contribution:  H-CARE also contributes to the Europe 2020 growth strategy in particular to the EU’s employment rate target of 75% by 2020, by helping people learn new skills and adapt to changes in the labour market.  By development of a new occupational job profile in Health Care Sales the project encourages the employment in this sector.  The project offers exactly new skills for new jobs Agenda, providing opportunities for the inclusion of unemployed or low paid people in the EU job market.  The H-CARE innovation make the Health Care sector more sustainable.

implementing inductive approach (started with the specifics) = Curriculum model (Taba H.(1962) model): Identify the needs of staff (what are current gaps in the staff knowledge) Develop objectives Choose content that matches the objectives; Organise content considering the learners experiences and background Select instructional method that promotes trainees engagement; Organise learning activities; Checking for the balance and sequence. Our curriculum approach:

European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training ECVET - European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training  a technical framework for the transfer, recognition and, where appropriate, accumulation of individuals’ learning outcomes with a view to achieving a qualification.  description of qualifications in terms of units of learning outcomes with associated points, a transfer and accumulation process and complementary documents

Unit of learning outcomes means a component of a qualification, consisting of a coherent set of knowledge, skills and competence, that can be assessed and validated Unit of the learning outcomes Unit of the learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Competences 14 What is a unit of the learning outcomes?

Learning outcomes Influence standards Occupational Educational Establish descriptors of qualification frameworks Describe qualifications Design curricula Design assessment Guidance Validation Flexible learning pathways CV Various purposes

 How to access H-CARE results?  Visit  Access is available upon registration.

 M1. Health Care introduction & Health prevention recommendations.  This module serves as introduction to health care systems and their differences in Europe embedding EU policy for the free circulation of health care professionals.

 M2. EU and National legislative frameworks.  This module gives the legislative framework regulating the sales of medical devices for home use, assistive technologies and food supplements both on European and national levels.

 M3. Trading with medical devices for home use and assistive technologies.  It covers key topics of trade and trading with medical devices for home use and assistive technologies splited into categories per disability.

 M4. Trading with food supplements  This module provides information and overview about trading with food supplements (vitamins, dietary elements, phytochemicals, macronutrients) - types, composition, utilizations and restrictions.

 M5. Communication and work with customers with disabilities  This module focuses on six major groups of people with disabilities. Each disability is presented with a role play game to better understand the situation(s) faced, and suggestions on how to behave and communicate with people with disabilities.

 M6. Sales management skills  This module provides particular knowledge and skills in terms of one-to-one selling, knowing customers, psychology of customers and their reactions, salesperson characteristics and criteria of sales.

 M7. Entrepreneurship skills  This module is presenting how to draw up a business plan, budgets as well as conditions and procedures of an effective business leadership and human resource management.

 M8. E-commerce  This module is providing essentials for establishment of e-commerce with medical devices, assistive technologies and food supplements.

 M9. Internship  This module gives learners the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career development.

 H-CARE control tool (EQAVET based)  The control tool has been developed as a mechanism for obtaining feedback and assessment of the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in the training phase.

Register yourself and explore the H-CARE course: 

Contact us: ZGURA-M 6, Nayden Gerov Str., Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria Tel: ( ) website: