CAIeRO QAQE Project: e-ployment of the QAQE E-Learning Toolkit to enhance the quality of programme development Rob Howe University of Northampton 14 th June, 2011
Project Team Director of Learning and Teaching Head of Quality and Curriculum Services Deputy Director of Academic Services (Information Services) Principal Lecturer Learning and Teaching (Health) Head of Learning Technology
Background to UON activity Focus on design and delivery of modules Recognition that: ‘ the use of the technology itself is increasingly not a distinguishing factor for organisations, but rather the quality of that use and the way it advances the goals of a change resilient organisation become essential to success.’ (Marshall, 2010) CAIeRO (Creating Aligned and Interactive educational Resource Opportunities) -based on Carpe Diem model
Builds on existing projects BITE E4L TIGER
Key reflections on use of the toolkit A useful tool for prompting discussions within the team. Brought an enhanced quality dimension to CAIeRO discussions – refined paperwork Encouraged the team to look at the importance of quality early in the CAIeRO process. (pre CAIeROs ?) Whilst the toolkit focused on TEL – the discussions around it were much more about general pedagogy. Would have benefited from better numbering / colour coding to allow for easier referencing. Target parts of the toolkit for different groups (some parts are mandatory for the institution)
Thank you Rob Howe -