Essential ?s: How do I refer to people who get things?
In English and Spanish, there are terms called “subject” and “object”. They are nouns that deal with the relationship to the sentence’s verb. The subject DOES the action. (I eat fruit – ‘I’ is the subject) The object RECEIVES the action. (I eat fruit – ‘fruit’ is the object.)
There are multiple “objects” in language. Direct objects Indirect objects Direct objects have the verb happen to them I read the book. (The book is read.) You see me. (‘me’ is seen) Indirect objects get the THING that gets the action. I speak Spanish to the students. (The students receive the Spanish that is spoken.) My dad gave me a book. (I got the book that was given.)
Tell your pareja 3 things you understood Write 3 questions in your notes and mark the answers that are in your notes. If they aren’t there, ADD THEM!
You have already learned me, te and nos They are the words in Spanish for both the direct and indirect object pronouns Me = me, to me (indirect object pronoun – He gives a book to me.) Te = you, to you (indirect object pronoun – I speak Spanish to you) Nos = us, to us (indirect object – My dad gave a book to us.)
These are indirect object pronouns. Le = ‘him/to him’ and ‘her/to her’ Les ‘them/to them’ or ‘you all/to you all’ You only use them IF someone is getting a thing -- like if I give a book to you, or if someone tells something to someone. Used with verbs like dar, hablar, decir, presentar, escribir, llevar and traer. They go before the conjugated verb. You will use le, les in the sentence even when you mention the person.
My kids hear Spanish at home. I speak Spanish to them. / Mis hijos escuchan español en casa. Les hablo español. What did your mom receive for her birthday? I gave her a shirt. / ¿Qué recibió tu madre para su cumpleaños? Le di una camisa. Juan threw the ball to Carmen./Juan le lanzó la pelota a Carmen.
Tell your pareja 4 things you understood Write 3 questions and mark the answers
Write in English and Spanish I gave water to Bill. Why do students have homework? The teacher always gives homework to them. Bob threw the ball to his friend.
I gave water to Bill. (Yo) le di agua a Bill. Why do students have homework? The teacher always gives homework to them. ¿Por qué tienen tarea los alumnos? El profesor siempre les da tarea. Bob threw the ball to his friend. Bob le lanzó la pelota a su amigo.
What did you learn? What was most important? How does it relate to what you already know? What was easiest? What will be most challenging?
Write 10 sentences that have an indirect object. Translate them. Yo le di una fiesta a Bob. I gave Bob a party. Complete worksheet on lo, la, los, las