Turkish Education System Emin Attila Bilgili Seyfi Berk Küçük Mehmet Aysan
Starting School Age In Turkey, children start school when they are 6 years old. They start at primary school. Before that, children can go kindergartens.
Kindergartens and Pre-School Education Kindergartens aren’t compulsory at the moment. But it’s a discussion in parliament.
Compulsory Education Education is obligatory for 8 years. After children graduate from primary school, they continue high schools. But in some unimproved countrysides, illiterate people don’t send their children to high schools.
Parts of Education 1st – 3rd Grades It’s usually about introducing lessons simply. 4th-8th Grades It’s the main part of education in primary schools. 9th – 12th Grades It’s the main part of education in high schools. Higher Education University education is after secondary education
Examination for selection In the final of 8th and 12th classes (final years of primary and secondary schools) students take selection exams. According to results of the exams, students are assigned to schools that they prefered according to their exam result points.
Examination for GPA (Grade Point Average) We have 2 educational terms in a year. 1st term is from the middle of September to middle of January. Then we have semester holiday for 15 days. 2nd term is from February to June. At the end of each term students get school report of their grades for each school subject.
Every term students take 2 or 3 written examinations, 1 or 2 performance work and a project work.
Kinds of High Schools Technical and Vocational High Schools These schools have four or five years programme. Students learn a job directly. They study for a profession like computer technician, nurse, hairdresser, skincare, needlecraft, tourism, medical technicians and workers.
Kinds of High Schools General High Schools That’s a kind of high school that students who couldn’t get assigned to any high schools go. They study main school subjects. When students finish this kind of school, they can choose any job area in universities according to their exam result points (if their points are enough)
Kinds of High Schools Anatolian High School The most prefered high school kind. Because they don’t require as much point as Science High Schools and they have a good education. Graduate students generally enter universities with good points and they become lawyers, teachers, engineers, doctors etc.
Kinds of High Schools Science High School The most wanted high school kind in Turkey. Because they have the best education. And they are science and math weighted. These lessons are chemistry, physics, biology, maths and geometry. Graduate students of these high schools usually get assigned to universities to become doctors, engineers, architects etc.
Kinds of High Schools High School of Fine Arts It is a kind of high school that students educate about fine arts. Students take a talent exam to enter these high schools.
Kinds of High Schools Anatolian Teacher Training High Schools It resembles Anatolian High School but there are subjects like “Educational psychology, education system, etc” additionally. Students of these schools mostly prefer being a teacher ( after studying the related area in univerisities), but they can choose any other jobs as well. If they choose to study teaching in universities, they gain extra points in student selection exam.
Kinds of High Schools Police College These schools accept students with a special exam (written and physical). It’s police school. It teaches police education.
Kinds High Schools Military High School These schools accept students with a special exam. It’s military school. It teaches military education.
Kinds of High Schools High School of Social Sciences They have a good education. They are social science weighted. These lessons are history, geography, anthropology and linguistics.
Higher Education Universities After secondary (high school) education, students take student selection exam and they get assigned to the faculties of universities according to their points. If they fail the exam, they can take it next year again. Universities have 2 – 4 or 5 years of education.There are lots of private and state universities in Turkey.