CAUSES OBSERVED… Having teachers that really want you to succeed Not seeing the connection between H.S. and the future. Lack of most up-to-date technologies and/or resources. Lack of proper guidance. Problem with focus on education at home lack of motivation/awareness. Lack of knowledge of application of what they’re learning outside of school. Lack of resources (college, libraries, etc.) Lack of motivation
INTERVIEWS WITH PARENTS PARENT 1 (MALE) PARENT 2 (MALE) PARENT 3 (FEMALE) Moved from Mexico Talks to principal every week English learning is of HUGE importance (most teachers speak Spanish) 3 kids Very few after-school programs that they’re involved in wants kids to go to college Wants kids to go to college Son is very confused about his interests Only with his father, mother didn’t want to care for him, no incentive to go to school Contact: 3 kids, one daughter in college Loves how the school is very small (15-20 kids), very appealing Big push for college Looking to set up an after school program at his college POSSIBLE PARTNERSHIP Bullying is big problem Campuses are too big Son doing well in school, very interested in school subjects and excited about future education Really liked Troy Camp at his other school, but now opportunity is not available—mother and son really wish there were more programs available with USC Wants there to be more resources available about USC programs and connections Wishes there were more extracurricular activities/after-school programs
INTERVIEWS WITH STUDENTS STUDENT 1 (FEMALE) STUDENT 1 (MALE) 7th grader Wants to be a vet, interested in art and music After school programs, most of her friends want to go to college All Stars (an after school program that she really loves) POSSIBLE PARTNERSHIP Finds school boring—does not believe he is being stimulated Hates lunches Thinks the charter school he attends is “poor” Is switching to an arts school, interested in visual arts
DESIGN CHALLENGE ASSUMPTIONSOBSERVATIONS PRIMARY We should work together to do an after school art program. Project: we should create a set curriculum for Jet Mentors. “I love math and science. I do all my homework by myself” “This school sucks because it’s poor. I’m switching to an arts school… I’m interested in visual arts.” “I wish there were more after school programs for my children.” Confusion about goals Big push for college/future. “Learn about my dream/future career” “Home is boring” “School is boring” “Less notes more experiments” SECONDARY Charter schools get more funding than public schools. There is a focus on math and science in public and charter schools. Parents rely on schools for children’s education. Charter schools receive a nationwide average of $3,000 less funding per student. There is a lack of funding specifically in the LAUSD. Charter schools vary vastly depending on their location.
PRODUCT IDEAS AND… Becoming Jet Mentors and creating a set curriculum for them. Making USC resources more accessible.
WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? The problem is lack of personalization in education which causes/effects/leads to demotivation. This is a problem for students and their community because it doesn’t allow students to learn effectively, taking away from students’ future potential and ability to contribute.
HOW MIGHT WE…? How might we use/leverage observations from taken interviews and the Jet Mentor program from No Right Brain Left Behind to solve the problem of / as a solution for motivating students to learn.