Sokobanja Green heart of Serbia
Geographic characteristics and climate Sokobanja is situated in the southeast Serbia. A small valley area surrounded by the four mountains, with the Bovan lake, 8 km long, river Moravica, and spa on its territory it makes one perfect place for development of all kinds of continental tourism.
240 km from Belgrade 60 km from Niš Airport 30 km from Corridor X : population 525 km 2 : land area Continental : climate 420 m : altitude
D e m o g r a p h y According to the newest registration Sokobanja has inhabitants. More than 90% of them are Serbian nationality. 45% live and work in town and 55% in the nearby villages. According to educational profile the choice of its inhabitants is tourism. For Sokobanja unemployment is on relative low level, less than average. It is about 8 %.
H i s t o r y Throughout history, many civilizations have enjoyed in the natural powers of Sokobanja and left traces of their culture. Sokobanja has the longest tourist tradition in Serbia from 1837 year.
Medical factors and water Since the Roman period Sokobanja is known about its thermal waters and springs. Waters of Sokobanja are mineral, sulfide and hypothermal. There are 13 springs of thermal waters and 3 of clear drinking water, with the industry production possibility. Clean, fresh Sokobanjas air, rich in negative ions, is its greatest treasure.
E c o n o m i c s t r u c t u r e Traditionally, Sokobanja is orientated on tourism and agriculture. There are 6 hotels (the third category all), more than 30 restaurants and other tourist objects. Taking all kinds of capacities, there are about beds. 10 km from Sokobanja there is one Coal Mine.
E d u c a t i o n On its territory Sokabanja has two educational institutions: Primary school “ Mitropolit Mihailo” and High school “ Branislav Nusic”. These schools educate and train future tourist cadres for tourism, economy, cooks, waiters and shopkeepers. It is very important that Nis University is nearby.
E c o l o g y and healthy food Protection of the environment is very important for the inhabitants. In 1992 Sokobanja became the Ecologic Spa. On its territory it has no industry polluters, and this area is optimal for healthy food production. To develop protection of the environment, Municipality accept LEAP and strategic control of waste materials.
T H E V I S I O N Sokobanja is an open, sustainable community, well provided regarding the utility services, with a highly developed spa tourism and healthy food production, where both the local people and the guests will feel safe, enjoy the benefits of ecological environment and have the opportunities of developing their spiritual and material values.
T H E M I S I O N The Mission of the Municipality of Sokobanja is the preservation of natural resources and their rational exploitation with a view to develop tourism, agriculture and health care so that Sokobanja becomes attractive to its inhabitants and tourists, and remains the leader of the spa ecological tourism in Serbia.
Thank you for your attention! Ljubinko Milenković Organisation for Tourism, Culture and Sport, Sokobanja Serbia