Grammar Lesson Plan- Auxiliary Verb Instructor: Po-Yi Hung Presenter: Sadia Date: December 31, 2008 can could be able to
Lesson Plan Objectives: After completing the course, students will learn: 1. The difference of can, could and be able to. 2. Using the auxiliary verb in a rationale way. Vocabulary level: 800~ 1000 Numbers of students: 20 (six-grade elementary) Time: 60 minutes Materials & equipment: worksheet, pictures, website, computer.
Activity Introduction Exercise Warm-up Evaluation Procedure
The difference between: can you help me? & could you help me? Students share their own opinions with peers and teacher after discussing. Thinking Warm up
Introduction- Can is a model of auxiliary verb. We can use can to: Talk about possibility and ability Make requests Ask for or give permission Can
Structure of can Subject + can + main verb Can is invariable. There is only one form of can. The main verb is always the bare infinitive. subjectauxiliary verb main verb + Icanplaybaseball. - Hecannotplaybaseball. can't ? Canyouplaybaseball?
Possibility & ability Possibility & abilityRequest&ordersRequest&orders Permission(informal)Permission(informal) Can I smoke in this room? You can't smoke here, but you can smoke in the garden. Can you make a cup of coffee, please. Can you put the TV on. Can you come here a minute. Can you be quiet! Nancy can drive a car. He can speak Spanish. Can you hear me?
Talk about past possibility and ability Make requests Could subject + could + main verb subjectauxiliary verbmain verb + My grandfather couldswim. - She could not swim. couldn't ? Couldyour grandmotherswim? Could is invariable. There is only one form of can. The main verb is always the bare infinitive.
Past Possibility & Ability I could swim when I was 5 years old. When She arrived home, she could not open the door. Could you understand what he was saying?. Request Use of could Could you tell me where the bank is, please? Could you send me a catalogue, please?
General Specific Occasion + My grandmother could speak Spanish. A man fell into the river yesterday. The police were able to save him. - My grandmother couldn't speak Spanish. A man fell into the river yesterday. The police couldn't save him.
Be able to Talk about ability subject + be + able + infinitive subject be Main verb Able adjective Infinitive + Iamableto drive. - Sheis notableto drive. isn't ? Areyouableto drive?
Use of Be able to TenseExample PastI was able to drive. Future simple You will be able to speak perfect English very soon. Present perfect I have been able to swim since I was five. Infinitive I would like to be able to fly an airplane.
Activity-Pair Work Ask your partner if she/he can do these things: 1.________________________ 4._______________________ 2.________________________ 5._______________________ 3.________________________ 6._______________________ Can you play the piano? Can you run 8 kilometers? Can you ski? Can you cook? Can you play golf? Can you ride a horse?
pop quiz
Worksheet - Assignment 1.I’m sorry but we can’t come to your party tomorrow. 2.I like this restaurant. You _________ extra disserts for free. 3.The music is too loudly. I __________ your voice clearly. 4.Have you seen my notebook? I ________ it. 5.Miranda got a job at foreign trade company. Because she _________ English very well. 6.I went to bed very early yesterday. But I just _________ __________. 7. Mika ____________ to school because he catch a cold last night. Come go order hear find speak fall asleep can order can’t hear can’t find can speak couldn’t fall asleep couldn’t go Completing these sentences. Use can / couldn’t / can’t + one of these verbs
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