Long Term English Learners Title III Master Plan Institute Language Acquisition Branch 1
Long Term English Learners 2
Objectives 1. Define Long Term English Learners (LTELs) 2. Review LAUSD LTEL data 3. Become familiar with the study Reparable Harm: Fulfilling the Unkept Promise of Educational Opportunity for California’s Long Term English Learners Recognize the characteristics of LTELs Learn about current services for LTELs Learn about program recommendations for LTELs 4. Determine how the information informs our work with our schools 3
LAUSD Definition of LTEL English Learners who have been in US schools for 6 or more years with no more than one year of interrupted schooling, have not reclassified, and are scoring at Intermediate or above on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT), and Below Basic (BB) or Far Below Basic (FBB) on California Standards Test (CST) in English Language Arts (ELA). 4
LAUSD DATA Long Term English Learners Grade LTELs%Total Enrollment % % % % % % % %5377 Total %
Californians Together: A state-wide coalition of parents, teachers, education advocates and civil rights groups committed to securing equal access to quality education for all children Founded in 1998 after the passage of Proposition 227 Joined with other organizations to foster full participation in a democratic society through quality education for children and parents from underserved communities californianstogether.org “Reparable Harm: Fulfilling the Unkept Promise of Educational Opportunity for California’s Long Term English Learners” 6
The Study: 40 school districts across California February-April 2010 Quantitative and qualitative data was examined 7
The Study: Table of Contents What are some of the important topics that the study considers? 8
The Study: Preface Use a highlighter to mark the most important points made in the Preface What did you highlight? Why are those points relevant? 9
The Study: Executive Summary Paired Reading Activity 10
The Study: Introduction What points made in this section have the potential to frame your work at your school? 11
The Study: Jigsaw Activity 12
Middle Schools: A total of 24 students fitting the LTEL designation were interviewed All students interviewed have been ELs for a period ranging from 7 to 11 years Only one of these students was born outside the United States In 41.6% of these students’ homes, Spanish is the only language spoken 87.5% of these students speak English with their friends All of these students think that English is part of their identity LAUSD Contributions to the Study 13
Middle Schools: 25% of these students do not always fully understand the language of textbooks These students have trouble with “big words,” long stories, dense texts, and vocabulary 75% of these students have a current overall CELDT level of % of these students had been retained one grade level Only one of these students does not intend to go to college and two are not sure LAUSD Contributions to the Study 14
High Schools: A total of 24 students fitting the LTEL designation were interviewed All 24 students have been designated ELs for a period of 9 to 13 years 50% of these students had been retained one grade level 8.3% of these students were born outside the United States In 2.1% of these students’ homes, Spanish is the only language spoken LAUSD Contributions to the Study 15
High Schools Only one of these students does not think that English is part of his/ her identity 25% of these students do not always fully understand the language of textbooks These students have trouble with “big words,” long stories, dense texts, and vocabulary 62.5% of these students’ current overall CELDT is 3; however, most score 3s and 2s in Reading and Writing 100% of these students speak English with their friends, but only 2.1% prefer Spanish over English LAUSD Contributions to the Study 16
Think-Pair-Share How can this information inform our work at schools? 17
Objectives 1. Define Long Term English Learners (LTELs) 2. Review LAUSD LTEL data 3. Become familiar with the study Reparable Harm: Fulfilling the Unkept Promise of Educational Opportunity for California’s Long Term English Learners Recognize the characteristics of LTELs Learn about current services for LTELs Learn about program recommendations for LTELs 4. Determine how the information informs our work with our schools 18