Guerilla Literacy Learners Mooc Lesson 1.1 In-service Course Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc Czech Republic, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 Building bridges… …is the title to our first chapter in the Manual and the topic of MOOC Lesson 1 Unit 1 (Alba Graziano – Guido Cajot). We chose two aspects to connect the “known” to the innovative method: 1.LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 2. ERROR ANALYSIS 1.LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 2.ERROR ANALYSIS
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 LA approaches: some gap filling for you PSYCHO- PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH LINGUISTIC THEORY LANGUAGE TEACHING METHOD PROCEDURES/ TECHNIQUES Grammar/ Translation Prescriptive grammar, dictation, literature reading, translations BehaviourismDirect methods; Berliz; ASTP; audio-oral; situational →→→ Formalism/ deductivism ‘Dead’ languages ; written language; Port Royal grammar American structuralism Conversation, min- mem, language lab, mechanical drills
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 PSYCHO- PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH LINGUISTIC THEORY LANGUAGE TEACHING METHOD PROCEDURES/ TECHNIQUES Cognitivism; Natural Approach Theory Idea of competence [Generative grammar] Sociolinguistics/ Pragmalinguistics Communicative (notional- functional) Humanistic (Total Physical Response; Silent Way; Suggestopedia) Integrated abilities; role play; audio- visual aids; graded materials; inductive grammar reflection Music; games; authentic materials; affective situations; games; learning by doing →→→
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 LA approaches: and a question for you PSYCHO- PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH LINGUISTIC THEORY LANGUAGE TEACHING METHOD PROCEDURES/ TECHNIQUES Psycholinguistics/ Sciences of the mind Task-based activities; storytelling; ICT and social networks Where would you locate Susan’s Granny and where Susan’s Mum as teachers? And where do you imagine Susan will locate herself? Constructivism/ Social Constructivism/ Interactionism Cooperative Language Learning; Community learning; Learning to learn
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 Error analysis: a chapter in Second Language Acquisition EA is the study of deviations from target-language norms. Contrastive analysis aimed to identify interlingual differences by predicting and describing patterns that were likely to cause difficulty and could be “cured” with drill exercises (Behaviourism). Interlanguage acquisition: progress making > what we term as “error” in L2 learners is a natural developmental stage (Communicative).
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 Why collect and analyse errors? The way learning proceeds is by learners doing their own error analyses, something that learners are naturally inclined to do but often need teacher guidance in doing effectively. EA has actually been used: for linguistic research as a pedagogical tool for curriculum design as teaching methodology
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 How to collect and analyse errors? Type of corpus: learner corpus (EFL) DATA: Number of students: 112 Error categories: 41 Total number of error tags: ca (marked/encoded mistakes) Context: assessment through written exam on UniTusMoodle Learners’ profile: Italian L1, university students (Faculty of Foreign Languages), age Type of text: sentences Dates of production: September 2009 – October 2012
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 What results do you expect from EA? peer discussion in terms of: quantitative vs. qualitative analysis what kind of errors can be identified and what cannot which language abilities are mainly involved who should use these results: researchers or learners contrasting/comparing language systems and learners’ language backgrounds what remedial strategies it promotes other....
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 Pros and Cons of EA: group discussion 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________ 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April 2016 Finally, will you try the quiz.... The distinction between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ English is scientific and based on sociolinguistics. YN A prescriptive grammar does not always indicate the correct and efficient use of a language. YN A formalistic approach to language teaching mainly concentrates on aural-oral language. YN The traditional teaching model is hardly learner-centred. YN The image a grammar/translation method conveys about a language is of a dead and stiff body. YN A functionalist approach believes that grammar options depend on the communicative situation. YN The idea of linguistic competence is contrary to a creative image of grammar. YN A communicative approach prefers using authentic though at times graded texts. YN Assessment in a communicative approach privileges accuracy over fluency. YN Error analysis is very much standard-driven and fails to grasp “cultural” mistakes. YN
In-service Course, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, 10 th - 16 th of April or the assignment, please? How do you normally introduce yourself to a new class? How do you get to know your students and get them to know each other? Remember yourself in this situation and: 1.sketch your interaction with your students as if it was a dramatic dialogue, including mention of which teaching props (audio-visual, material, technological aids) you would use; 2.then add your own reflections on the pedagogical impact of your introduction, the language image you tend to convey and finally identify your LT approach.