Trevecca MBA Online Principles of Engagement a draft Rick Mann, PhD Director of Graduate Business Programs Lametrius Daniels Director of Graduate Business Progr Visionary Strategic Tactical
Creating Value Every successful organization creates something of value…Without value creation, an organization can’t exist— you can’t transact with others unless you have something valuable to trade. The best organizations in the world are the ones that create the most value for other people…the more real value you create for other people, the better your organization will be. Adapted from The Personal MBA, Josh Kaufman (2010) “The solution lies in the principle of shared value, which involves creating economic value in a way that also creates value for society by addressing its needs and challenges” Michael Porter (2011)
Program Vision Equipping learners to deliver superior value through their leadership and organizations Based on a value creation model: (creating value through leadership, organizational behavior, accounting, finance, marketing, etc.) Innovative, engaging, rigorous, professionally relevant Providing F2F and online flexibility Curricular roadmap that provides over-arching direction and ties the courses together Move from hours over the next year
30k ft High-Level Online Principles of Engagement The MBA program at small universities is often the flagship program in the public eye. The SSBT will be the most innovative and entrepreneurial School at Trevecca. The MBA faculty team will be the best faculty team on Campus. We believe that we can deliver remarkable value online equal or superior to face-to-face.
20k ft Mid-Level Online Principles of Engagement Rigorous consistency of look and feel Reasonable autonomy for subject matter expert (SME) Courses are developed by teams and owned by the University Titles, Descriptions, Outcomes, and Texts are fixed and subject to annual review
10k ft Low-Level Online Principles of Engagement Program Consistency – Course engagement comes through structured assignments, not attendance – Engage with some kind of video or audio each week. We can give ideas and tools – Connect with the real world early and often – Consistent workload – Consistent grading scale – Common style usage of APA Variability via Instructor – Some supplemental reading – Additional audio and visual materials
On-the-ground Policies 1.Respond to student s within hours 2.Post feedback/grades on assignments within five days for all work including final grades posted by the following Thursday % of all forum posts should be by the instructor 4.Rubrics should be included for all graded assignments 5.No assignments are due after the last day of the course 6.Some audio or video component each week 7.APA is the common stylebook 8.No attendance requirements
Course Development Framework 1.Initial Design Meeting (SME/ID) (now) 2.Design Meeting (SME/ID) 3.Development and Planning Mtg (SME/ID) 4.Approval Process/Review (Director/Dean) (July 1) 5.Roll-out Course Shell 6.Course goes live! (Fall, 2014)
Online Principles of Engagement on Course Design Student Engagement – Student interaction with Content – Student interaction with peers – Student interaction with instructor Teacher Presence – Faculty interaction with content – Faculty interaction with students
Design Features Instructors should spend hours a week engaged in the online course content Students should spend hours a week engaged in studying online content Assignments should facilitate metacognitive skills (e.g. critical thinking, writing clarity, analysis, etc.) Be prepared to use a variety of delivery methods for feedback. Examples are conference calls, , video conferencing (virtual office hours), etc. Students should participate in discussions forums that illustrates their knowledge of the course contents by using supplemental material
Instructional Material Text paper Audio lecture Video lecture Other YouTube Links to articles Textbooks
Modalities of Engagement Papers Forums Phone calls Debate Team work Portfolios Web pages Grading Feedback Presentation Synchronous engagement Case studies Homework
Online Principles of Engagement on Teacher Presence Opportunities – Create a welcome video and introductory video for each week – Provide audio or video feedback for reminders or transition to the next week – Send a short to students before the first week of class highlighting expectations for online students(i.e how you will communicate, attendance, and reading the syllabus, etc.) – Provide private, weekly updates to each participant on their grade status