See Think Wonder
SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Learning Skills Key Words Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Black Hand Serbia Bosnia Blank cheque D target pupils canDescribe the events in Sarajevo C target pupils canExplain the causes of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand B target pupils canEvaluate the impact of the assassination on the countries of Europe Causes of WW1 Today you will learn to… Explain the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Reflective Learners Listening
SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Learning Skills Today you will learn to… Explain the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand D target pupils canDescribe the events in Sarajevo C target pupils canExplain the causes of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand B target pupils canEvaluate the impact of the assassination on the countries of Europe Archduke Franz Ferdinand Born: 18 Dec Position: Heir to the Austro- Hungarian throne Died: 28 Jun Cause of Death: Assassination – gun shot in the neck Key Words Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Black Hand Serbia Bosnia Blank cheque Reflective Learners Listening
SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Learning Skills Today you will learn to… Explain the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand D target pupils canDescribe the events in Sarajevo C target pupils canExplain the causes of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand B target pupils canEvaluate the impact of the assassination on the countries of Europe Why was he in Sarajevo? Franz Ferdinand and his wife had been invited to inspect the troops stationed there A terrorist group fighting with the aim of uniting Bosnia with Serbia, the Black Hand had planned to kill him Franz Ferdinand arrived at 10am, 28 June 1914 and proceeded to make his way to the Town Hall in a motorcade Key Words Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Black Hand Serbia Bosnia Blank cheque Reflective Learners Listening
SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Learning Skills Today you will learn to… Explain the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand D target pupils canDescribe the events in Sarajevo C target pupils canExplain the causes of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand B target pupils canEvaluate the impact of the assassination on the countries of Europe The Assassination On 28 th June, 1914, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whilst visiting the capital city of Bosnia, was shot dead by a Serbian terrorist, Gavrilo Princip. The terrorist belonged to the terrorist group The Black Hand – who had organised the assassination to publicise their opposition to the Austrian- Hungarian annexation of Bosnia. The Archduke had two attempts made on his life – the first was when another member of the Black Hand, Cabrinovic, threw a bomb at the Archduke’s convoy of cars, but missed. The Archduke, although shaken-up by the experience, continued his visit and after visiting those injured in the bomb blast, instructed his driver to take him (and his wife Sophia) back to the train station. Key Words Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Black Hand Serbia Bosnia Blank cheque Reflective Learners Listening
SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Learning Skills Today you will learn to… Explain the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand D target pupils canDescribe the events in Sarajevo C target pupils canExplain the causes of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand B target pupils canEvaluate the impact of the assassination on the countries of Europe The Assassination However, the driver took a wrong turn, and whilst trying to leave Franz Joseph Street, Gavrilo Princip, who happened to be in the right place at the right time, fired shots at the Archduke and his wife. Such a murder would ordinarily be a matter for the two countries involved to sort out, but relations between Austria-Hungary and Serbia were already strained: remember Austria-Hungary was already looking for a way to ‘deal with’ Serbia. Austria-Hungary saw the assassination as a perfect excuse to attack Serbia Austria-Hungary were confident that, if they invaded Serbia, and if Russia decided to assist Serbia, they would be able to rely on Germany’s help. Key Words Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Black Hand Serbia Bosnia Blank cheque Reflective Learners Listening
SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Learning Skills Today you will learn to… Explain the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand D target pupils canDescribe the events in Sarajevo C target pupils canExplain the causes of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand B target pupils canEvaluate the impact of the assassination on the countries of Europe The Consequences This is exactly what Germany did – Germany offered Austria-Hungary a ‘blank cheque’ (anything Austria-Hungary wanted – money, arms, military advice) if they attacked Serbia. Austria-Hungary offered Serbia 10 Ultimatums – if Serbia refused to accept any of them Serbia would be invaded by Austria-Hungary. Serbia accepted all but one of the Ultimatums (the one they refused was about Austria-Hungary taking over the Serbian police, army and judiciary during the investigation into the murder if Franz-Ferdinand) – this refusal meant that, exactly one month after the assassination, on the 28 th July 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. The Austrian-Hungarian declaration of war against Serbia was the first step towards the World War Key Words Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Black Hand Serbia Bosnia Blank cheque Reflective Learners Listening
SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Learning Skills Today you will learn to… Explain the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand D target pupils canDescribe the events in Sarajevo C target pupils canExplain the causes of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand B target pupils canEvaluate the impact of the assassination on the countries of Europe This source suggests one reason why the First World War started. Do you agree that this was the main cause of WW1? Level 1: General response relying on source or learned response 1 mark Level 2: Uses general knowledge to agree/disagree with the interpretation/ gives simple explanation of how the interpretation came about. 2-3 marks Level 3: Agrees/disagrees using either source or own knowledge 4-5 marks Level 4: Uses source and knowledge to reach conclusion 6 marks An artist's rendition shows the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife, 28 June, Key Words Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Black Hand Serbia Bosnia Blank cheque Reflective Learners Listening
SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Learning Skills Today you will learn to… Explain the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand D target pupils canDescribe the events in Sarajevo C target pupils canExplain the causes of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand B target pupils canEvaluate the impact of the assassination on the countries of Europe This source suggests one reason why the First World War started. Do you agree that this was the main cause of WW1? 1.Describe the source 2.Explain how it is linked to the question (cause of WW1) 3.Evaluates the importance of the cause from the source 4.Use your own knowledge to explain other reasons linked to the question (causes of WW1) 5.Evaluates the importance of the other causes 6.Give a judgment (most important cause or not) An artist's rendition shows the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife, 28 June, Key Words Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Black Hand Serbia Bosnia Blank cheque Reflective Learners Listening
SO THAT BY THE END OF THE LESSON... Learning Skills Today you will learn to… Explain the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand D target pupils canDescribe the events in Sarajevo C target pupils canExplain the causes of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand B target pupils canEvaluate the impact of the assassination on the countries of Europe This source suggests one reason why the First World War started. Do you agree that this was the main cause of WW1? 1.Describe the source 2.Explain how it is linked to the question (cause of WW1) 3.Evaluates the importance of the cause from the source 4.Use your own knowledge to explain other reasons linked to the question (causes of WW1) 5.Evaluates the importance of the other causes 6.Give a judgment (most important cause or not) An artist's rendition shows the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife, 28 June, Key Words Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Black Hand Serbia Bosnia Blank cheque Reflective Learners Listening