Moving To Marr College
Introduction Good evening! We are Hannah, Eilidh, and Morven from Peer Education- The Platinum Youth Achievement Award. We chose this subject to gain experience in working with younger peers.
Drop In Club For junior students. Open every lunchtime. Monitored by S6 buddies. Can do homework, play with DS’s and board games. Good for making new friends. However, the junior students are expected to eat their lunch before hand.
Buddies Helped S1s around the school on induction days in June. Each house has assigned buddies. Can be identified through buddy badges.
Prefects Monitor areas at break and lunch Help S1 students to find their way around the school
Peer Tutoring An S6 is present in first year classes. A few periods a week. Many 6 th years volunteer to support pupils in junior classes throughout all departments. The 6 th years will choose the department in which they want to tutor in- a subject that they excel in.
Alcohol Awareness S6 students taking the Platinum Youth achievement award, teach all S1 students about the awareness and dangers of alcohol as part of their PSE programme. The S6 students involved in this went to a training day, presented by NHS staff
Here they are informed of the dangers of alcohol, how it could effect their lives and how to say no to peer pressure. We will teach them about how alcohol effects the body and how it effects people differently.
Extra curricular Opportunities S6 Buddy Drop-in Choirs Brass Band Woodwind Ensemble Orchestras Library Drop-in Hockey Boxercise Rugby Creative Writing Club Photography Club Badminton Tennis Science Club Golf Craft & Design Club “Girls in Tech” group Computing Club Puzzle Club Maths Drop-in Volleyball Business Education Homework Club Football & Basketball
Thanks for listening We have enjoyed our time at Marr College and we are sure your children will do so too!