The role of other providers Click to Continue
The formal health care system includes many different agencies and funding models. For most health care planning purposes, only the formal health care system is within the remit of the planner, who will be concerned with the internal organization of the system and the ways in which it is accessed by patients. Health care system
The individual provides many aspects of their own health care – adopting behaviours which affect their health, and dealing with minor injuries and illnesses. The extent to which they interact with the formal health care system is partly a reaction to its accessibility and partly a reflection of other care options available. Health care system Patient
In almost all contexts, friends and family will usually provide the first line of health care provision and, in some situations, the only provision. Where minor childhood illnesses are managed at home this may be entirely appropriate, but where seriously ill patients cannot access formal health care, this may be inappropriate or inadequate. Health care system Patient Friends family
Charities and other non- governmental organizations often play an important role in health care provision which is outside the health care system, either supplementing or substituting for formal provision. Health care system Patient Friends family Charities, NGOs
Other welfare organizations, both publicly and privately funded, may be responsible for services which interact with the healthcare system without being formally part of it, for example nursing care for the elderly and social services support for those with disabilities. Health care system Patient Friends family Charities, NGOs Other welfare
An important role can also be played by self- help groups, in which patients, friends and relatives organise themselves into informal organizations which provide additional care. These groups may take very different forms in different geographical and social contexts. Health care system Patient Friends family Charities, NGOs Other welfare Self-help groups
Pharmacists are another key provider of services and advice. Where prescribing is a strongly state-regulated activity, pharmacy services may come within the remit of central health care planning. Elsewhere, independent pharmacists may be a primary source of medical treatment and advice. Health care system Patient Friends family Charities, NGOs Other welfare Self-help groups Pharmacists
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